-1 is more special and magic than 0? Hm... 0 also can magically mean
-6, -11, or even -13 (because it's magic too).
-1 is sugar for #length? Not sure I understand correctly. Never heard
such an interpretation of -1 earlier. Why #length but not #length-1?
Why 0 is not
sugar for -#length? What do you mean saying -1 is a sugar for
0 is a constant entry point? Great, -1 is a constant exit point.
Anyway, is there any symmetry or no, I still believe that returning
'asd' in one case and nil in other is not consistent (please see my
example in the first message).
I think you (and Michal) missed my point. And yes, I should have said
#length-1. The point is, since there is *no such thing* as a negative
index -- 0 is the *first* index -- and "-1" (or -anynumber) is just
sugar (i.e., just a more convenient syntax for writing #length-
whatever), what you're asking is for ranges such as [-7..2] and [1..0]
to be meaningful. Taking your example, "'asd'[-10..-1]", this means
'asd'[-7..2] when you de-sugar it. Now in the other case,
"'asd'[0...10]", once you reach #length-1, you can stop and return
0..#length-1. But with 'asd'[-7..2], what are you supposed to do when
the start index is less than the first index (0)? Well, you could skip
ahead to the first index, sure, but it makes just as much sense (if
not more) to return nil/empty string. Same goes for cases such as
'asd'[-2..-3] (i.e., 'asd'[1..0]), where the start index is greater
than the end index.