Exactly the opposite:
21:52 vincent@tanyaivinco ~/Prog/Ruby ruby rt_7.rb
user system total real
0.010000 0.000000 0.010000 ( 0.009087)
0.010000 0.000000 0.010000 ( 0.008774)
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.004621)
rt_7.rb is
Could be improved:
$ cat rt_7.rb
require 'benchmark'
n = 5_000_000
c = "stuff"
Benchmark.bmbm do |x|
x.report('\'a\' +') { n.times {'a' + c + 'b'}}
x.report('"a" +') { n.times {"a" + c + "b"}}
x.report('a#{') { n.times {"a#{c}b"}}
$ ruby rt_7.rb
Rehearsal -----------------------------------------
'a' + 6.090000 0.010000 6.100000 ( 6.183097)
"a" + 6.110000 0.010000 6.120000 ( 6.114159)
a#{ 3.280000 0.000000 3.280000 ( 3.298253)
------------------------------- total: 15.500000sec
user system total real
'a' + 6.130000 0.010000 6.140000 ( 6.155325)
"a" + 6.140000 0.000000 6.140000 ( 6.155082)
a#{ 3.300000 0.010000 3.310000 ( 3.312989)
Further increases in n will show ' strings and " strings completely
converging. To the interpreter there is no difference between the two:
$ parse_tree_show -f
'a' + stuff + 'b'
"a" + stuff + "b"
(eval):1: warning: useless use of + in void context
(eval):2: warning: useless use of + in void context
[:call, [:str, "a"], :+, [:array, [:vcall, :stuff]]],
[:array, [:str, "b"]]],
[:call, [:str, "a"], :+, [:array, [:vcall, :stuff]]],
[:array, [:str, "b"]]],
[:dstr, "a", [:vcall, :stuff], [:str, "b"]]]