Stroustrup has a table in section 4.9 of declarations and
definitions. he asks to write a similar table but in opposite sense:
char ch; // declaration with definition
he asks to do the opposite as an exercise which is writing it as a
"declaration without definition". please check whether i am right or
1. char ch; - extern char ch;
2. string s; - extern string s;
3. int count = 1; - extern int count;
4. const double pi = 3.14159...... - extern const double pi;
5. extern int error_number; - int error_number; or
int error_number = 1;
6. const char* name = "Nijal" - extern const char* name;
7. const char* season[] = { "spring", "summer", "fall", "winter" };
- extern const char* season[];
8. struct Date { int d, m, y; }; - struct Date;
9. int day(date* p) { return p->d };
- int day(Date*);
10. double sqrt(double); - double sqrt(double) { }
11. template<class T>T abs(T a) { return a < 0? -a : a; }
- template<class T>T abs(T a);
// just guessed for it, as i know nothing about templates
12. typedef complex<short> Point;
// i have NO idea about what is this.
13. struct User; - struct User {}
14. enum Beer { carlsberg, Tuborg, Thor };
- enum Beer;
15. namespace NS { int a; }
- namespace NS;
definitions. he asks to write a similar table but in opposite sense:
char ch; // declaration with definition
he asks to do the opposite as an exercise which is writing it as a
"declaration without definition". please check whether i am right or
1. char ch; - extern char ch;
2. string s; - extern string s;
3. int count = 1; - extern int count;
4. const double pi = 3.14159...... - extern const double pi;
5. extern int error_number; - int error_number; or
int error_number = 1;
6. const char* name = "Nijal" - extern const char* name;
7. const char* season[] = { "spring", "summer", "fall", "winter" };
- extern const char* season[];
8. struct Date { int d, m, y; }; - struct Date;
9. int day(date* p) { return p->d };
- int day(Date*);
10. double sqrt(double); - double sqrt(double) { }
11. template<class T>T abs(T a) { return a < 0? -a : a; }
- template<class T>T abs(T a);
// just guessed for it, as i know nothing about templates
12. typedef complex<short> Point;
// i have NO idea about what is this.
13. struct User; - struct User {}
14. enum Beer { carlsberg, Tuborg, Thor };
- enum Beer;
15. namespace NS { int a; }
- namespace NS;