I have a String from a file in the form <number> <word>,<word>,<word>,<word>
when I try to tokenize it I store it in a char[] and tokenize it using
strtok(string, " ") and then tokenize the orignal string using
the first tokenization gives me only the first number and then NULL's
and the second tokenization gives me 1st char[]=<word> 2nd char[]=<word> 3rd
4th char[]=<word> <number>
What am I doing wrong?
when I try to tokenize it I store it in a char[] and tokenize it using
strtok(string, " ") and then tokenize the orignal string using
the first tokenization gives me only the first number and then NULL's
and the second tokenization gives me 1st char[]=<word> 2nd char[]=<word> 3rd
4th char[]=<word> <number>
What am I doing wrong?