Structural inheritance (inheriting implementation) is equivalent to
composition in that a particular method must either call 'Base::foo' or
invoke 'base.foo'. Apparantly, The Literature tells us to prefer
composition over inheritance. Can anyone provide some reasons why this
is the case (based on "real-world" experience)? For example, is
structural inheritance more difficult to maintain? More difficult to
test? Have a larger impact on compile time? Not lend itself well to
re-use? Thanks. /david
composition in that a particular method must either call 'Base::foo' or
invoke 'base.foo'. Apparantly, The Literature tells us to prefer
composition over inheritance. Can anyone provide some reasons why this
is the case (based on "real-world" experience)? For example, is
structural inheritance more difficult to maintain? More difficult to
test? Have a larger impact on compile time? Not lend itself well to
re-use? Thanks. /david