I have a page which lists data via asp & database.
Against each record is a text link. This link opens a window, sized by
a Javascript function in the link code.
Problem: All further links from other pages/buttons etc, cause the
pages to be displayed in the same sized window.
How can I close the small window and open the next links in full sized
windows...this is really annoying.
The size function is only called once from the first page
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
function NewWindow(pagename, pwidth, pheight) {
if (!pwidth) {
pwidth = 600
if (!pheight) {
pheight = 480
msgWindow=window.open(pagename,"quality","toolbar=no,width=" + pwidth
+ ",height=" + pheight +
align = center");
Text Hyperlink:
<a href=javascriptnclick=NewWindow('blah.asp?JobNumber=" &
RS("JobNumber") & "',450,300)>Blah Blah</a> </td></tr>"
What do I need to add to break out of this window. Even submitting a
simple form later in my code pages via POST method stays in this small
Appreciate your help
I have a page which lists data via asp & database.
Against each record is a text link. This link opens a window, sized by
a Javascript function in the link code.
Problem: All further links from other pages/buttons etc, cause the
pages to be displayed in the same sized window.
How can I close the small window and open the next links in full sized
windows...this is really annoying.
The size function is only called once from the first page
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
function NewWindow(pagename, pwidth, pheight) {
if (!pwidth) {
pwidth = 600
if (!pheight) {
pheight = 480
msgWindow=window.open(pagename,"quality","toolbar=no,width=" + pwidth
+ ",height=" + pheight +
align = center");
Text Hyperlink:
<a href=javascriptnclick=NewWindow('blah.asp?JobNumber=" &
RS("JobNumber") & "',450,300)>Blah Blah</a> </td></tr>"
What do I need to add to break out of this window. Even submitting a
simple form later in my code pages via POST method stays in this small
Appreciate your help