Alan Eden
I don't know if this has ever been done in any language.
Any vertical line character(s) ( | ) which precede anything else on any
line should be treated as whitespace. This makes possible the following:
# Say hi to everybody
def say_hi
| if @names.nil?
| | puts "..."
| elsif @names.respond_to?("each")
| | # @names is a list of some kind, iterate!
| | @names.each do |name|
| | | puts "Hello #{name}!"
| | end
| else
| | puts "Hello #{@names}!"
| end
I copied this example from Ruby in twenty minutes, page 4. Look at the
original and look at the above. Isn't it much clearer? Or is there a
good reason why this isn't done that I'm missing?
Any vertical line character(s) ( | ) which precede anything else on any
line should be treated as whitespace. This makes possible the following:
# Say hi to everybody
def say_hi
| if @names.nil?
| | puts "..."
| elsif @names.respond_to?("each")
| | # @names is a list of some kind, iterate!
| | @names.each do |name|
| | | puts "Hello #{name}!"
| | end
| else
| | puts "Hello #{@names}!"
| end
I copied this example from Ruby in twenty minutes, page 4. Look at the
original and look at the above. Isn't it much clearer? Or is there a
good reason why this isn't done that I'm missing?