Thomas Guettler
I start a long running script like this (unix):
nohup foo.py > foo.log &
Now Python thinks sys.stdout should not be
line buffered. How can I force linebuffering?
I want to see the log file while the script is
still running.
I don't like this solution (Wrapping sys.stdout
with an own class)
http://groups.google.de/groups?hl=de&lr=&ie=UTF-8&[email protected]
The "-u" switch is not an option.
I start a long running script like this (unix):
nohup foo.py > foo.log &
Now Python thinks sys.stdout should not be
line buffered. How can I force linebuffering?
I want to see the log file while the script is
still running.
I don't like this solution (Wrapping sys.stdout
with an own class)
http://groups.google.de/groups?hl=de&lr=&ie=UTF-8&[email protected]
The "-u" switch is not an option.