Thanks for the response.
I think I should clarify something. In my original post I said "I get
this response", however, the use of the word "response" is a poor
choice. I do not get a SOAP response as my use of words suggested.
I get a WebException that is thrown from within my .NET client
application before the SOAP request is sent across the wire to the
server. I verified this by watching the wire using the TCP monitoring
tool I mentioned. The monitoring tool shows nothing going to or coming
from the server, which tells me my .NET client application didn't
actually get far enough to make the call.
Hypothetically, I should be able to shutdown my server altogether and
get this error. Since the Web Service call is never actually made. I
will try this tomorrow.
can you try to upload the soap request using a non dotnet client from a
different machine than the server, and see if it reproes.
Sure. I will try tomorrow.
JBoss Application Server running Apache.
Here is a post from someone a couple of years ago having the same
http://groups.google.com/groups?q="[email protected]&rnum=1
Any help is appreciated.
"Feroze [msft]" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
Hmm, it sounds strange that the problem does not occur when client & server
run on the same box.
can you try to upload the soap request using a non dotnet client from a
different machine than the server, and see if it reproes.
Going by your assertion that the response is sent even before the client
sends the request ( I am assuming here that even before the request headers
are sent, the server has responded) , it seems to me like a server issue.
What server is this ?
this posing is provided as-is.
When my .NET program makes a Web Service call I get this response...
System.Net.WebException: The request failed with HTTP status 413:
Request Entity Too Large
1. The server the Web Service is running on is *not* MS IIS
2. The problem does *not* occur if my .NET program and non-IIS server
are running on the same machine.
3. Using a TCP monitoring tool I have confirmed that the exception
occurs *before* the request is actually sent out from my .NET program.
Any ideas?