Robert Blackwell
Hey, I have a question for you web devs out there. How much of a hassle is
it to take over where another programmer left off.
I have a commerce site that was designed to my specs and I approached the
company to do some upgrade work on it. However, I'm canceling the project
with them because they are basically accusing me of scope creeping even
though my specifications clearly define the features I am asking them to
correct. I asked them to make a customer account area where customers can
manage there account info such ass billing/ship to address AND credit card
information. This was the first stage of the project and when I reminded
them that all pages with sensitive customer data need to use SSL they told
me that wasn't in my requirements. Now its true that I didn't actually
specify that... but I assume that SSL encryption where sensitive customer
data (**especially**credit cards) is just common practice and common sense.
PLEASE correct me if you think I'm out of line or have assumed too much. Now
also, they are trying to tell me that in order to accomodate the features I
requested it will take a significant amount of time and they have to see if
it will even be compatible with the site. When really I believe they are
just trying to get me to back off of making the changes so they can leave it
as it is even though its their mistake.
Anyways, I'm requesting to cancel the project and only pay for the time they
I had communication problems with them the first time around and I'll admit
some of the problems were because I didn't communicate full specs the first
time, but I did pay for the extra time with no argument. This time I figured
it should be a lot smoother because I spent a few weeks ironing out my
specifications and making sure I had everything I wanted and even explaining
everything in detail before I even approached them.
Anyways, so to go on and on but I wanted to give you a little background
it to take over where another programmer left off.
I have a commerce site that was designed to my specs and I approached the
company to do some upgrade work on it. However, I'm canceling the project
with them because they are basically accusing me of scope creeping even
though my specifications clearly define the features I am asking them to
correct. I asked them to make a customer account area where customers can
manage there account info such ass billing/ship to address AND credit card
information. This was the first stage of the project and when I reminded
them that all pages with sensitive customer data need to use SSL they told
me that wasn't in my requirements. Now its true that I didn't actually
specify that... but I assume that SSL encryption where sensitive customer
data (**especially**credit cards) is just common practice and common sense.
PLEASE correct me if you think I'm out of line or have assumed too much. Now
also, they are trying to tell me that in order to accomodate the features I
requested it will take a significant amount of time and they have to see if
it will even be compatible with the site. When really I believe they are
just trying to get me to back off of making the changes so they can leave it
as it is even though its their mistake.
Anyways, I'm requesting to cancel the project and only pay for the time they
I had communication problems with them the first time around and I'll admit
some of the problems were because I didn't communicate full specs the first
time, but I did pay for the extra time with no argument. This time I figured
it should be a lot smoother because I spent a few weeks ironing out my
specifications and making sure I had everything I wanted and even explaining
everything in detail before I even approached them.
Anyways, so to go on and on but I wanted to give you a little background