Hi, i'm going to code a game server, i'm new in ruby an would
like to
hear some advice about it. I mean, good practices in server =20
and what i have to take into account like security issues.
Thanks, and excuse my english.
Hi Sergio,
Welcome to the colourful world of Ruby
I've a couple of presentations at
http://slides.games-with-brains.net/ =20=
that feature Ruby network code with both TCP and UDP that you may find =20=
helpful. There's also some simple crypto stuff in there if you want to =20=
look into securing traffic on the wire, but that's a huge subject and =20=
you'll definitely want to do further research.
More generally to write a secure server you want to make sure you =20
limit access to your application's database in a clear and consistent =20=
manner, and ensure that client identity is always clearly established. =20=
There are also some excellent fuzzing libraries that are worth =20
Depending on how busy you think your game server will be I'd also =20
recommend looking into EventMachine, an event-driven Ruby network =20
library that makes it very easy to write scalable network servers.
Eleanor McHugh
Games With Brains