Neredbojias said:
Let me ask you a fundamentally pertinent question. Do you think I'm
dumb? You've mentioned before that I should read your messages
_carefully_ and now you ask if I know what you mean.
Then why do you *pretend* to know nothing about this arrogant
man's attitude and remarks to me? Now that I explain some things
to you, you suddenly show some knowledge. Funny that? You never
gave a bloody clue before. You asked as if all innocent why *I*
am picking on *him*? Do you see anything of bad faith in this? Do
you know what I am saying? How smart are you? Are you very smart?
But pretending an innocence?
Anyway, my idiotic remarks about women are meant to be idiotic remarks
about women. They're like the Polish jokes of yore except that the
Pollacks are broads. It's good-natured in a rueful sort of way so don't
let it upset you.
Why the hell do you think Officer Bud White has not actually done
you in completely? Because I know you have just taken some wrong
turns, got into a bit of bad company obviously, you have kow
towed to some awful role models and like that but you will be
most relieved to hear that you are not essentially bad.
Look I *am* in a very bad mood, it *is* true. I don't appreciate
anyone *asterisking* his way in put-downs of or lecturing of me
or making snide remarks about men another thread. It is really
simple. If he was polite, he would get it back in the same
I am sorry, but that is how I feel. I have generally kept away
from all this crap but when I am called out, I come out. Gary
Cooper, Charles Bronson, John Wayne, Annie (of Annie Get your
Gun) and Kirk Douglas all did the same before me. Why should a
Martian be left out of a line up like this?
In regard to rf's manner of speaking, -yes, he probably could have been a
little more polite. But guys are guys. Nowadays it seems women want
them all to be pansies
This is just more pure crap in your mind. No woman on God's earth
wants men to be pansies. Where you get these silly ideas I do not
know. I lie! I do know, they make you feel better about yourself.
You schmuck!
(except when they get the hots for The Hulk or
some fantasy which satisfies their inner lust.) If we have to accept
them (-and we do; it's either one form of abuse or the other,) they
should accept us with similar magnanimosity. I'm not saying rf wasn't a
trifle brusque or even egoey, but women should learn to expect that and
handle it with graceful aplomb so as not to start a needless fuss over
basically nothing. Containment is something which makes them desirable
(-besides the usual equipment, of course.)
Look, this crap seems to me to be as offensive to any decent
fellers as to any women. You are simply not getting it are you?
You are ignorant about your own manly history, mate. Go and see
some American westerns. You will see plenty of examples of good
American male role models there. In fact, mostly, the male heroes
are touchingly impressive in their respect for females. You are
following the wrong models.
Boji, I have always had this faith in your improvement. Please do
not disappoint me.