Hello, we have a task at the university, but we have not worked with this kind of work, can anyone help? please?
We have a telegram bot that creates sites according to templates and the site stores information of the student including user_id of user tg who created the site which is stored in the bot database and in the site in this form <input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="645645432334"> and in each site there is a chat where we can write and throw The task is that in the bot came messages of the user from the site by his user_id and when he clicked reply in the tag to this message and responded with a message or picture they from the bot sent to the same chat from where the message came logic of this should be in the bot how they can be linked? hint, and to gpt already addressed to me nothing special useful he did not tell me anything special
We have a telegram bot that creates sites according to templates and the site stores information of the student including user_id of user tg who created the site which is stored in the bot database and in the site in this form <input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="645645432334"> and in each site there is a chat where we can write and throw The task is that in the bot came messages of the user from the site by his user_id and when he clicked reply in the tag to this message and responded with a message or picture they from the bot sent to the same chat from where the message came logic of this should be in the bot how they can be linked? hint, and to gpt already addressed to me nothing special useful he did not tell me anything special