template argument deduction



// trial.h

#ifndef TRIAL_H
#define TRIAL_H

# include <vector>
# include <complex>
# include <iostream>

template <typename scalar>
struct complex_param
typedef typename std::complex<scalar> complex_type;
typedef typename std::vector< complex_type > cvec_type;
typedef typename cvec_type::size_type cvec_size_type;
typedef typename cvec_type::const_iterator cvec_const_iter;
typedef typename cvec_type::iterator cvec_iter;

typedef complex_param<double>::complex_type complex_d;
typedef complex_param<float>::complex_type complex_f;

typedef complex_param<double>::cvec_type cvec_type_d;
typedef complex_param<float>::cvec_type cvec_type_f;

template < typename T >
void run_it ( typename complex_param<T>::cvec_type& cvec )
complex_param<T>::cvec_size_type const sz = cvec.size();
for ( complex_param<T>::cvec_size_type idx ( 0 ); idx < sz; ++idx )
std::cout << cvec [ idx ] << std::endl;


int main()
cvec_type_d d;
d.push_back ( complex_d ( 1.0, 2. ) );

run_it <double> ( d );
// run_it ( d ); //2

For the item marked "//2". .NET 2005 complains

" Could not deduce template argument for T "

Why no argument deduction for T when I used cvec_type_d and complex_d ?

Alf P. Steinbach

* ma740988:
template < typename T >
void run_it ( typename complex_param<T>::cvec_type& cvec )
complex_param<T>::cvec_size_type const sz = cvec.size();
for ( complex_param<T>::cvec_size_type idx ( 0 ); idx < sz; ++idx )
std::cout << cvec [ idx ] << std::endl;

int main()
cvec_type_d d;
d.push_back ( complex_d ( 1.0, 2. ) );

run_it <double> ( d );
// run_it ( d ); //2

For the item marked "//2". .NET 2005 complains

" Could not deduce template argument for T "

Why no argument deduction for T when I used cvec_type_d and complex_d ?

The actual argument is matched against the formal argument. Here the
formal argument /depends/ on a type T. There could be thousands of
different types T that would produce a match, and it doesn't matter that
you have defined just one.


The correction should be (and it works with g++ 3.4, I will never use
microsoft compiler for anything ather then visual basic) is
typedef std::complex<scalar> complex_type;
// no need for the typename
typedef std::vector< complex_type > cvec_type;
// no need for typename
typedef typename cvec_type::const_iterator cvec_const_iter;
// typename must be used
typedef typename cvec_type::iterator cvec_iter;
// typenae must be used

template < typename T >
void run_it ( typename complex_param<T>::cvec_type& cvec )
tyename complex_param<T>::cvec_size_type const sz = cvec.size();
// dependent name must used with typename!!
for ( typename complex_param<T>::cvec_size_type idx ( 0 ); idx < sz;
++idx ) {
// dependent name must used with typename!!
std::cout << cvec [ idx ] << std::endl;


the rest of the code should not be changed..
good luck (and steer clean of MS "compliers")

Alf P. Steinbach

* (e-mail address removed):
The correction should be (and it works with g++ 3.4, I will never use
microsoft compiler for anything ather then visual basic) is
typedef std::complex<scalar> complex_type;
// no need for the typename
typedef std::vector< complex_type > cvec_type;
// no need for typename
typedef typename cvec_type::const_iterator cvec_const_iter;
// typename must be used
typedef typename cvec_type::iterator cvec_iter;
// typenae must be used

template < typename T >
void run_it ( typename complex_param<T>::cvec_type& cvec )
tyename complex_param<T>::cvec_size_type const sz = cvec.size();
// dependent name must used with typename!!
for ( typename complex_param<T>::cvec_size_type idx ( 0 ); idx < sz;
++idx ) {
// dependent name must used with typename!!
std::cout << cvec [ idx ] << std::endl;


the rest of the code should not be changed..
good luck (and steer clean of MS "compliers")

Except for the bit about MS compilers that's good advice, but doesn't
address the OP's problem.

The problematic statement, commented in the original posting, doesn't
compile no matter whether you're using MS compiler or GNU compiler.

Nor should it compile.


The correction should be (and it works with g++ 3.4, I will never use
microsoft compiler for anything ather then visual basic) is
typedef std::complex<scalar> complex_type;
// no need for the typename
typedef std::vector< complex_type > cvec_type;
// no need for typename
typedef typename cvec_type::const_iterator cvec_const_iter;
// typename must be used
typedef typename cvec_type::iterator cvec_iter;
// typenae must be used

I thought I had a handle on when/when not to use typename. Could you
elaborate on this a little? The cases where you highlight 'no need
for typename' puzzles me a little. Perhaps it's time to pull out the
books again.

Bo Persson

ma740988 said:
I thought I had a handle on when/when not to use typename. Could
elaborate on this a little? The cases where you highlight 'no need
for typename' puzzles me a little. Perhaps it's time to pull out
books again.

The compiler knows that std::complex and std::vectors are types. :)

You need to specify 'typename' for nested types of dependent names.



typename std::vector<T>::iterator

(assuming T is a template parameter).

Bo Persson

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