test blank string



I am using the following script to test if a variable is undefined or
blank. The alert is not fired, if varA is blank string (ie. "", " ",
" ", etc). I need to fire the alert even when varA contains blank
string. How can I do that? Thanks.

if (varA== undefined || parseInt(varA) == NaN)
alert("Variable varA is undefined or NaN");
//do somehting else;

Richard Hockey

js said:
I am using the following script to test if a variable is undefined or
blank. The alert is not fired, if varA is blank string (ie. "", " ",
" ", etc). I need to fire the alert even when varA contains blank
string. How can I do that? Thanks.

if (varA== undefined || parseInt(varA) == NaN)
alert("Variable varA is undefined or NaN");
//do somehting else;


if(A=="" || blankRE.test(A)) then alert('blank string');


Richard Hockey said:
js said:
I am using the following script to test if a variable is undefined or
blank. The alert is not fired, if varA is blank string (ie. "", " ",
" ", etc). I need to fire the alert even when varA contains blank
string. How can I do that? Thanks.

if (varA== undefined || parseInt(varA) == NaN)
alert("Variable varA is undefined or NaN");
//do somehting else;


if(A=="" || blankRE.test(A)) then alert('blank string');

You could also try:

if (A=="" || A==" "){
alert("Enter a value!");
else {

Dr John Stockton

JRS: In article <[email protected]>, seen
in news:comp.lang.javascript said:
I am using the following script to test if a variable is undefined or
blank. The alert is not fired, if varA is blank string (ie. "", " ",
" ", etc). I need to fire the alert even when varA contains blank
string. How can I do that? Thanks.

if (varA== undefined || parseInt(varA) == NaN)
alert("Variable varA is undefined or NaN");
//do somehting else;

A variable entered by the user is a string. If it seems reasonable to
test against NaN (for which isNaN() exists), then presumably you want a

It is probable that you do not want any arbitrary sort of number - you
may want non-negative, or not e-format, or not hexadecimal, or not too
many digits.

Consider :
St = form.element.value
OK = /^\d+$/.test(St) // or /^\d{1,5}$/....
if (OK) varA = +S

Adjust the RegExp to permit only proper numbers.

j s

Hi Richard,
Thank you for the reply. I tried your solution. /^[\s]+$/ works for
values that only have 1 or more blank characters. That is " ", " ", "
", etc. The regular expression does not work for "". Do you know how
to make it work for zero length string? Thanks again for your help.

asdf asdf

How about

if (typeof yourvar == "undefined" ||
yourvar.toString().trim().length() == 0) return false;

j s

Thanks for all your replies. I found the solution to deal with null
string by chaging Richard Hockey's suggestion,/^[\s]+$/, to /^[\s]*$/.
This will handel string, null string, number, undefined.

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