Ch said:
One way of dereferencing arrayrefs is:
However, you are using $val as a hash key here...
You didn't tell anything about the value of $hash->{$val}.
It would be much easier to help you, if you posted a short but complete
Documentation on perl references and data structures:
perldoc perlreftut
perldoc perldsc
perldoc perllol
Yes I should have posted the full problem from the beginning
The code is spread over 300+ lines, modular, but still not practical to
As I started this reply I had a thought and checked my code, I realised I
was reading the output incorrectly, as I had thought my capture was
reporting false positives
However, I realised I needed the output to show which element it was talking
about, and sure enough it was talking about the 'broken' element multiple
times (The capture was working fine IOW)
Thanks all for your time and fixes