okay, that explains it...
could you provide a working example of a two-room game using your
method please so I can understand it better? Thanks in advance!
<sigh> Okay... It isn't the best thought out system -- I have too
many specific classes... It would probably be better to put actions into
dictionaries and use some custom .getattr() to handle them.
Will four rooms, a hidden chunk of gold, and one other movable
object suffice? Watch out for news client line wrapping. The only
parsing done is of the form: verb object; no attempt to handle: verb
direct_object filler indirect_object
# TAGS.py Text Adventure Game Shell
# I've probably defined too many special classes here
class Gobject(object): #Game object
def __init__(self, name, description, hidden=False, fixed=True):
self._name = name
self._description = description
self.hidden = hidden #hidden objects are not visible to
self.fixed = fixed #fixed objects can not be taken
def _getName(self):
return self._name
name = property(_getName)
def _getDescription(self):
return self._description
description = property(_getDescription)
class Exit(Gobject):
def __init__(self, description, target, hidden=False):
super(Exit, self).__init__(None, description, hidden)
self._target = target
def _getTarget(self):
return self._target
target = property(_getTarget)
class Room(Gobject): #rooms (container object)
def __init__(self, name, description, exits=None, details=None):
super(Room, self).__init__(name, description, hidden=False,
self._exits = exits
if details:
self._details = details #other objects that are inside
the room
self._details = {}
def setExits(self, exits):
self._exits = exits
def go(self, ext):
return self._exits.get(ext, None)
def setDetails(self, details):
self._details = details
def addDetail(self, itm):
self._details[itm.name] = itm
def delDetail(self, name):
if (name in self._details and
not self._details[name].fixed):
itm = self._details[name]
del self._details[name]
itm = None
return itm
def examine(self, name=None):
if not name: return self.description
if (name in self._details
and not self._details[name].hidden):
return self._details[name].description
return None
def _detailedDescription(self):
items = "nothing of interest"
if self._details:
items = ", ".join([itm.name for itm in
if not itm.hidden])
exits = ", ".join([ext for ext in self._exits.keys()
if not self._exits[ext].hidden])
#there must be at least one exit (the way you came in)
return "%s. In the %s you see %s. Passages lead to %s." %
description = property(_detailedDescription)
class Thing(Gobject):
def __init__(self, name, description, parent, hidden=False,
super(Thing, self).__init__(name, description, hidden, fixed)
self.parent = parent
def take(self):
if self.fixed:
return None
self.hidden = False #if taken, one now can see it
return self.parent.delDetail(self.name)
def drop(self, parent):
class TriggerThing(Thing):
def __init__(self, name, description, parent,
hidden=False, fixed=True, triggers=None):
super(TriggerThing, self).__init__(name, description, parent,
hidden, fixed)
self._triggers = triggers
def _detailedDescription(self):
if self._triggers:
items = ", ".join([itm.name for itm in
if itm in self._triggers
and itm.hidden])
items = ", ".join([itm.name for item in
if itm.hidden])
if not items: items = "nothing of interest"
return "%s. In the %s you see %s." % (self._description,
description = property(_detailedDescription)
class Money(Thing):
# note: I've not worked out how to safely handle combining money
def __init__(self, name, description, amount, parent, hidden=False,
super(Money, self).__init__(name, description, parent, hidden,
self._value = amount
def _detailedDescription(self):
return "%s pieces of gold" % self._value
description = property(_detailedDescription)
def combine(self, money):
self._value += money._value
class Avatar(Gobject):
def __init__(self, name, description, location, hidden=True,
super(Avatar, self).__init__(name, description, hidden, fixed)
self.location = location
self._inventory = {}
def addInv(self, itm):
itm.hidden = False
if itm.name in self._inventory: #presume only gold is
del itm
self._inventory[itm.name] = itm
def remInv(self, name):
itm = self._inventory.get(name, None)
if itm: del self._inventory[name]
return itm
def inv(self):
return ", ".join([itm for itm in self._inventory.keys()])
#create the universe -- first the raw rooms
room1 = Room("empty room",
"a completely empty room")
room2 = Room("time passages",
"a fourth-dimensional room having no fixed shape or size")
room3 = Room("control room",
"the control room of a TARDIS")
room4 = Room("locker room",
"a room full of storage spaces")
#create each exit
exit1_2 = Exit("you squeeze through the mouse hole", room2)
exit1_4 = Exit("you take the doorway", room4)
exit2_3 = Exit("the TARDIS door opens and you pass in", room3,
exit3_2 = Exit("you leave the TARDIS", room2)
exit3_1 = Exit("you sneak deeper into the depths of the TARDIS", room1)
exit4_1 = Exit("you move through the door", room1)
exit2_1 = Exit("you take the wormhole out", room1)
exit2_4 = Exit("you follow the light", room4)
exit4_2 = Exit("you follow the shadow", room2)
exit2_2a = Exit("as you enter the reddish passage you see yourself
leaving the room", room2)
exit2_2b = Exit("you feel a bit older as you take the blue passage",
exit2_2c = Exit("you feel confused as you cross webs of the timestream",
#connect rooms to exits
room1.setExits({"hole" : exit1_2,
"door" : exit1_4})
room2.setExits({"tardis" : exit2_3,
"wormhole" : exit2_1,
"light" : exit2_4,
"past" : exit2_2a,
"future" : exit2_2b,
"sideways" : exit2_2c})
room3.setExits({"out" : exit3_2,
"in" : exit3_1})
room4.setExits({"door" : exit4_1,
"shadow" : exit4_2})
#create a few non-room objects
container1 = Thing("closet", "an empty closet", room4, fixed=True)
gold = Money("gold", None, 8, room4, hidden=True)
container2 = TriggerThing("footlocker", "a fancy carved captain's
chest", room4,
fixed=True, triggers=[gold])
room4.setDetails({container1.name : container1,
container2.name : container2,
gold.name : gold})
#the tardis is both an exit and a thing
tardis = Thing("tardis", "a beat-up type 40 TARDIS", room2, fixed=True)
room2.setDetails({tardis.name : tardis})
screwdriver = Thing("screwdriver", "a well worn sonic screwdriver",
room3.setDetails({screwdriver.name : screwdriver})
player = Avatar("Wulfraed", "a nondescript individual", room1)
#note: no end conditions are defined
while True:
print player.location.description
while True:
cmdstr = raw_input("command> ").strip().lower()
if cmdstr: break
words = cmdstr.split()
verb = words[0]
if len(words) > 1:
objct = words[1]
objct = None
if verb in ["look", "examine"]:
if objct:
desc = player.location.examine(objct)
desc = player.location.examine()
if desc:
print desc
print "I don't see that here"
elif verb in ["grab", "take"]:
if objct:
itm = player.location.delDetail(objct)
if itm:
print "%s taken" % itm.name
print "I can not %s the %s" % (verb, objct)
print "%s what?" % verb
elif verb in ["drop", "leave"]:
if objct:
itm = player.remInv(objct)
if itm:
print "%s dropped" % itm.name
print "I don't have the %s" % objct
print "%s what?" % verb
elif verb in ["walk", "run", "go"]:
if objct:
ext = player.location.go(objct)
if ext:
print ext.description
player.location = ext.target
print "I can't go that way"
print "%s where?" % verb
elif verb...
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