textbox in repeater loses value between postback


Dot Net Work

I have a user control that contains a textbox and a link button. This
UC sits inside a repeater control. When I click any button, any edited
textbox value does not get sent back to the server side code.

(I am using asp.net 2.0 and the aspx page in question uses
EnableEventValidation="false" to temporary bypass a security issue with
repeater controls and button clicks.)

Thanks, regards, dnw.

Ken Cox [Microsoft MVP]

Just checking whether your user control has enableviewstate="true" ?

Dot Net Work

The user control has no EnableViewState element, so I am sure that the
default value is set to True. (I just explicitly set it to True to
test this, and it didn't fix the problem.)

Incidentally, I have the following file structure -

aspx page
user control, contains repeater - sits in aspx above.
user control, contains textbox and link button - sits inside user
control above.

Thanks, regards, dnw.

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