Hi. thanks for the response.
Here is my code:
' If this control is going to be used in a gridview or datagrid
environment, it is necessary that the buttons that submit
' the form that you dont want validation to occur on should have the
following onclick event defined
' EG: <asp:ImageButton Runat="server" ID="delete"
OnClientClick="validate('false');" ImageUrl="del.gif" BorderStyle="None"
AlternateText="Delete" CommandName="Delete"></asp:ImageButton>
' the validate function is automatically created on the form, so no need
to create it.
' If the button must validate, you dont need to do anything
' EG: <asp:ImageButton Runat="server" ID="Add" ImageUrl="add.gif"
BorderStyle="None" AlternateText="Add"
Imports System
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.IO.StringWriter
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
<DefaultProperty("Text"), ToolboxData("<{0}:Textbox2
runat=server></{0}:Textbox2>")> Public Class Textbox2
Inherits TextBox
Implements INamingContainer
#Region "Globals"
Public Enum ValidatorType
End Enum
#End Region
#Region "Properties"
Dim _Text As String = ""
<Bindable(True), Category("Appearance"), Description(""),
DefaultValue("")> Overrides Property [Text]() As String
Return _Text
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
_Text = Value
End Set
End Property
Dim _validator As ValidatorType
<Bindable(True), Category("Extended"), Description("What validator must be
used to validate input."), DefaultValue("")> Property [Validator]() As
Return _validator
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As ValidatorType)
_validator = Value
End Set
End Property
Dim _minValue As Decimal
<Bindable(True), Category("Extended"), Description("Minimum value that can
be input in the textbox. (Used when validator is minMax validator)"),
DefaultValue("")> Property [MinValue]() As Decimal
Return _minValue
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Decimal)
_minValue = Value
End Set
End Property
Dim _maxValue As Decimal
<Bindable(True), Category("Extended"), Description("Maximum value that can
be input in the textbox. (Used when validator is minMax validator)"),
DefaultValue("")> Property [MaxValue]() As Decimal
Return _maxValue
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Decimal)
_maxValue = Value
End Set
End Property
Dim _ErrorChar As String
<Bindable(True), Category("Extended"), Description("Select the text you
want to display if the input fails validation. (Overriden by
ErrorImagePath)"), DefaultValue("*")> Property [ErrorCharacter]() As
Return _ErrorChar
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
_ErrorChar = Value
End Set
End Property
Dim _ErrorImagePath As String
<Bindable(True), Category("Extended"), DefaultValue(""),
Description("Select the image you want to display if the input fails
validation. (Overrides the ErrorCharacter)"),
GetType(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))> Property [ErrorImagePath]()
As String
Return _ErrorImagePath
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
_ErrorImagePath = Value
End Set
End Property
Dim _ErrorMessageOnTextbox As String
<Bindable(True), Category("Extended"), DefaultValue(""),
Description("Overrides the default error message popup text that is
displayed when the textbox error indicator is clicked.")> Property
[ErrorMessageOnTextbox]() As String
Return _ErrorMessageOnTextbox
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
_ErrorMessageOnTextbox = Value
End Set
End Property
Dim _ErrorMessageOnSubmitVisible As Boolean
<Bindable(True), Category("Extended"), DefaultValue("true"),
Description("Show or hide error popup when the form is submitted and
validation fails.")> Property [ErrorMessageOnSubmitVisible]() As Boolean
Return _ErrorMessageOnSubmitVisible
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
_ErrorMessageOnSubmitVisible = Value
End Set
End Property
Dim _Mandatory As Boolean
<Bindable(True), Category("Extended"), DefaultValue("false"),
Description("This textbox must have input.")> Property [Mandatory]() As
Return _Mandatory
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
_Mandatory = Value
End Set
End Property
#End Region
Protected Overrides Sub Render(ByVal output As
Dim sw As New System.IO.StringWriter
Dim HtmlTextWriter As New HtmlTextWriter(sw)
Dim sTextboxHtml As String = sw.ToString
sTextboxHtml = "<input type='textbox' text='" + _Text + "' value='" +
_Text + "'runat='server' id='" + Me.ID.ToString + "' style='width:" +
Me.Width.ToString + ";' class='" + Me.CssClass.ToString + "' name='" +
Me.ID.ToString + "')>"
Dim strMessage As String = ""
Select Case _validator
Case ValidatorType.Email
strMessage = "The email address is not valid!"
Case ValidatorType.MinMax
strMessage = "Must be numeric between " + _minValue.ToString + " and " +
Case ValidatorType.None
strMessage = ""
Case ValidatorType.Numeric
strMessage = "Must be numeric! Only accepts the following: 0123456789."
End Select
If _Mandatory Then
If strMessage <> "" Then
strMessage = strMessage + " "
End If
strMessage = strMessage + "Cannot be empty."
End If
' if user has provided a custom error message, then it will override teh
If _ErrorMessageOnTextbox <> "" Then
strMessage = _ErrorMessageOnTextbox
End If
strMessage = "'" + strMessage + "'"
If strMessage <> "" Then
If _ErrorChar = "" Then
_ErrorChar = "*"
End If
If _ErrorImagePath = "" Then
sTextboxHtml = sTextboxHtml + " <a style=""display:none"" href='#'
onclick=""alert(" + strMessage + ");"" alt='Click for more info.'
id='notify_" + Me.ID.ToString + "' name='notify_" + Me.ID.ToString +
"'><font color='red'>" + _ErrorChar + "</font></a>"
sTextboxHtml = sTextboxHtml + " <img style=""display:none"" src='" +
_ErrorImagePath + "' onclick=""alert(" + strMessage + ");""
onmouseover=this.style.cursor='hand' alt='Click for more info.'
id='notify_" + Me.ID.ToString + "' name='notify_" + Me.ID.ToString + "'>"
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub GenerateJS()
'**** ****
'**** This is code that is global for the whole page any textbox2 control
uses it****
'**** ****
Dim scrp As String = ""
scrp += " <script language='javascript'> "
scrp += " function focusAgain(objName) {"
scrp += " var objID = objName.id;"
scrp += " var obj = document.getElementById(objName.id);"
scrp += " obj.style.background = 'cyan';"
scrp += " }" 'End Function
' Checks for valid email addresses
scrp += " function chkEmail(AnArray) { "
scrp += " var obj;"
scrp += " obj = document.getElementById(AnArray.ID);"
scrp += " var checkStr = obj;"
scrp += " var str = checkStr.value;"
scrp += " if ((str.indexOf('.') > 2) && (str.indexOf('@') > 0) || (str ==
'')) "
scrp += " { "
scrp += " AnArray.Error = 'False';"
scrp += " } "
scrp += " else { "
scrp += " AnArray.Error = 'True';"
scrp += " }"
scrp += " } "
scrp += "function chkNumeric(AnArray,minval,maxval,comma,period,hyphen)"
'// only allow 0-9 be entered, plus any values passed
'// (can be in any order, and don't have to be comma, period, or hyphen)
'// if all numbers allow commas, periods, hyphens or whatever,
'// just hard code it here and take out the passed parameters
scrp += "{"
scrp += "var obj;"
scrp += "obj = document.getElementById(AnArray.ID);"
scrp += "var checkOK = '0123456789' + comma + period + hyphen;"
scrp += "var checkStr = obj;"
scrp += "var allValid = true;"
scrp += "var decPoints = 0;"
scrp += "var allNum = '';"
scrp += ""
scrp += "for (i = 0; i < checkStr.value.length; i++)"
scrp += "{"
scrp += "ch = checkStr.value.charAt(i);"
scrp += "for (j = 0; j < checkOK.length; j++)"
scrp += "if (ch == checkOK.charAt(j))"
scrp += "break;"
scrp += "if (j == checkOK.length)"
scrp += "{"
scrp += "allValid = false;"
scrp += "break;"
scrp += "}"
scrp += "if (ch != ',')"
scrp += "allNum += ch;"
scrp += "}"
scrp += " if ((!allValid) && (checkStr.value != ''))"
scrp += " {"
scrp += " AnArray.Error = 'True';"
scrp += " }"
scrp += " else {"
scrp += " AnArray.Error = 'False';"
scrp += " }"
scrp += "}" 'end function
scrp += " function chkMinMax(AnArray,minval,maxval) {"
scrp += " var obj;"
scrp += " obj = document.getElementById(AnArray.ID);"
scrp += " var checkOK = '0123456789';"
scrp += " var checkStr = obj;"
scrp += " var allValid = true;"
scrp += " var decPoints = 0;"
scrp += " var allNum = '';"
scrp += " for (i = 0; i < checkStr.value.length; i++)"
scrp += " {"
scrp += " ch = checkStr.value.charAt(i);"
scrp += " for (j = 0; j < checkOK.length; j++)"
scrp += " if (ch == checkOK.charAt(j))"
scrp += " break;"
scrp += " if (j == checkOK.length)"
scrp += " {"
scrp += " allValid = false;"
scrp += " break;"
scrp += " }"
scrp += " if (ch != ',')"
scrp += " allNum += ch;"
scrp += " }"
scrp += " var chkVal = allNum;"
scrp += " var prsVal = parseInt(allNum);"
scrp += " if (chkVal != '' && (prsVal < minval || prsVal > maxval)) "
scrp += " { "
scrp += " AnArray.Error = 'True';"
scrp += " } "
scrp += " else {"
scrp += " AnArray.Error = 'False';"
scrp += " }"
scrp += " }" 'end function
scrp += " function chkMandatory(AnArray) { "
scrp += " var obj;"
scrp += " obj = document.getElementById(AnArray.ID);"
scrp += " var checkStr = obj;"
scrp += " if (checkStr.value.length != 0) "
scrp += " { "
scrp += " AnArray.Error = 'False';"
scrp += " } "
scrp += " else { "
scrp += " AnArray.Error = 'True';"
scrp += " }"
scrp += " } "
' Set a variable up to be used to count errors (if errors > 0 then page
not allowed to submit)
scrp += " var strArray = '';"
scrp += " var intErrCount;"
scrp += " intErrCount = 0;"
' If more than 1 textbox2 is added to a form, we need to see if
' any of the textbox2's want the onSubmit message to be shown
scrp += " var intShowSubmitError = 0;"
scrp += "function objTextboxes(ID, Validator, Mandatory, Error) {"
scrp += " this.ID = ID;"
scrp += " this.Validator = Validator;"
scrp += " this.Mandatory = Mandatory;"
scrp += " this.Error = Error;"
scrp += "}"
'Buttons that submit a form on a page will only validate if the button's
onclick event has onclick='validate(true);'
scrp += "var blvalidate = true;"
scrp += "function validate(Validate) {"
scrp += " blvalidate = Validate;"
scrp += "}"
' Loops through all elemnts in the form to locate those startign with
'notify_' and then gets their
' visibility status, if they are visible, then there is an error on the
control, else, there is no error
scrp += "function CheckForError() { "
scrp += " if (blvalidate == true) {"
scrp += " var x = 'var myArray=new Array(' +
strArray.substr(1,strArray.length) + ');';"
scrp += " eval(x); "
'Loop through elements in array and check if they have errors on the form
scrp += " for (z=0; z<myArray.length; z++) {"
'Valid email
scrp += " if (myArray[z].Validator == 'Email') { "
scrp += " chkEmail(myArray[z]);"
scrp += " }"
'Is Numeric
scrp += " if (myArray[z].Validator == 'Numeric') { "
scrp += " chkNumeric(myArray[z],0,0,',','.','');"
scrp += " }"
'Is between min and max value
scrp += " if (myArray[z].Validator == 'MinMax') { "
scrp += " chkNumeric(myArray[z],0,0,',','.','');"
scrp += " if (myArray[z].Error == 'False')"
scrp += " {"
scrp += " chkMinMax(myArray[z]," + _minValue.ToString + "," +
_maxValue.ToString + ");"
scrp += " }"
scrp += " }"
'Has data
scrp += " if (myArray[z].Mandatory == 'True') { "
scrp += " if (myArray[z].Error == 'False')"
scrp += " {"
scrp += " chkMandatory(myArray[z]);"
scrp += " }"
scrp += " }"
scrp += " }"
' Loop through elements in array and check if they have errors in the
Error property, if an error, then
' display the error message.
scrp += " for (z=0; z<myArray.length; z++) {"
scrp += " if (myArray[z].Error == 'True') { "
scrp += " var objNotify;"
scrp += " objNotify = document.getElementById('notify_' + myArray[z].ID);"
scrp += " objNotify.style.display = '';"
scrp += " intErrCount = intErrCount + 1;"
scrp += " }"
scrp += " else {"
scrp += " var objNotify;"
scrp += " objNotify = document.getElementById('notify_' + myArray[z].ID);"
scrp += " objNotify.style.display = 'none';"
scrp += " "
scrp += " }"
scrp += " }"
scrp += " if ((intErrCount != 0)) {"
scrp += " if (intShowSubmitError != 0) {"
scrp += " alert('There is a problem with the form you are trying to
submit.'); "
scrp += " }"
'End If
'End If
scrp += " intErrCount = 0; "
scrp += " return false; "
scrp += " } "
scrp += " else { "
scrp += " return true;"
scrp += " }"
scrp += "}" 'End if (blvalidate == true)
scrp += "} "
scrp += " </script> "
' Adds the global javascript
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "textbox2", scrp)
'**** ****
'**** This is code that is control specific (Different for each control on
a page****
'**** ****
Dim scrp2 As String
scrp2 = " <script language='javascript'> "
If _ErrorMessageOnSubmitVisible Then
scrp2 += "intShowSubmitError = intShowSubmitError +1;"
End If
Select Case _validator
Case ValidatorType.None
scrp2 += "strArray = strArray + ',new objTextboxes(""" + Me.ID.ToString +
""",""None"",""" + _Mandatory.ToString + """,""False"")'"
Case ValidatorType.Email
scrp2 += "strArray = strArray + ',new objTextboxes(""" + Me.ID.ToString +
""",""Email"",""" + _Mandatory.ToString + """,""False"")'"
Case ValidatorType.Numeric
scrp2 += "strArray = strArray + ',new objTextboxes(""" + Me.ID.ToString +
""",""Numeric"",""" + _Mandatory.ToString + """,""False"")'"
Case ValidatorType.MinMax
scrp2 += "strArray = strArray + ',new objTextboxes(""" + Me.ID.ToString +
""",""MinMax"",""" + _Mandatory.ToString + """,""False"")'"
End Select
scrp2 += " </script> "
' Adds the control specific javascript
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), Me.ID.ToString,
End Sub
Private Sub Textbox2_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' Injects an onSubmit attribute into the form tag
Page.ClientScript.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(Me.GetType(), "Textbox2c",
"return CheckForError();")
End Sub
End Class
LepardUK said:
Willing to help but posting the code would be a pre-requisite.
Are You implementing IPostbackDataHandler for instance?
Does your control manage its own Viewstate or are you relying on
composite Textbox?