TextIO Tutorial



Hi everybody,

I'm new to VHDL an to this group too; as an exercise I'm trying to
import data from several files using package TextIO, but I haven't
found yet a good manual or tutorial about it; may you suggest me some?




Mike Treseler

Dek said:
I'm new to VHDL an to this group too; as an exercise I'm trying to
import data from several files using package TextIO, but I haven't
found yet a good manual or tutorial about it; may you suggest me some?

When I want to work with files and data, i use python or perl.
If I want to make a hardware model, I use vhdl.

-- Mike Treseler


Hi everybody,

I'm new to VHDL an to this group too; as an exercise I'm trying to
import data from several files using package TextIO, but I haven't
found yet a good manual or tutorial about it; may you suggest me some?




If you're only trying to read in text, then TextIO is what you need.
For binary files, you dont use the TextIO package, and reading data in
is a bit more contrived and apparently doesnt work the same accross
different apps. (as a note, I have functions to read/write bitmap
files directly from VHDL in Modelsim but thats only because I work
with video and looking at an actual picture is alot quicker than
trying to interpret text).

But like Mike says, if its for anything other than input to a hardware
model, use something else to do the work. It might be best to just ask
the questions here, or go on the Doulos VHDL courses.


If you're only trying to read in text, then TextIO is what you need.
For binary files, you dont use the TextIO package, and reading data in
is a bit more contrived and apparently doesnt work the same accross
different apps. (as a note, I have functions to read/write bitmap
files directly from VHDL in Modelsim but thats only because I work
with video and looking at an actual picture is alot quicker than
trying to interpret text).

But like Mike says, if its for anything other than input to a hardware
model, use something else to do the work. It might be best to just ask
the questions here, or go on the Doulos VHDL courses.

Thanks for the answer,

what I want to do actually is an hardware model using a .txt file for
the testbench. I' m trying to read different lines from a single file,
and different data from a single line, and writing the same. Where can
I find Doulos VHDL courses?




Thanks for the answer,

what I want to do actually is an hardware model using a .txt file for
the testbench. I' m trying to read different lines from a single file,
and different data from a single line, and writing the same. Where can
I find Doulos VHDL courses?


Bye- Nascondi testo citato

- Mostra testo citato -

For example I wrote this code:

USE std.textio.all;

END form_IO;

ARCHITECTURE formatted OF form_IO IS

FILE formout : Text ;
VARIABLE int : Integer := 5 ;
VARIABLE buf : Line ;
VARIABLE fstatus : File_open_status ;


File_open(fstatus, formout, "C:/Users/Daniele/Desktop/Esercizi/
form_io.txt", write_mode);

L1:write (buf, "This is an example of formatted I/O");
L2:writeline (formout, buf);
L3:write (buf, "Integer int=");
L4:write (buf, int);
L5:writeline (formout, buf);


END formatted;

but I got the following error message:

# ** Error: C:/Users/Daniele/Desktop/Esercizi/Format_IO.vhd(24):
Subprogram 'write' is ambiguous.
# ** Error: C:/Users/Daniele/Desktop/Esercizi/Format_IO.vhd(24): No
feasible entries for subprogram "write".
# ** Error: C:/Users/Daniele/Desktop/Esercizi/Format_IO.vhd(26):
Subprogram 'write' is ambiguous.
# ** Error: C:/Users/Daniele/Desktop/Esercizi/Format_IO.vhd(26): No
feasible entries for subprogram "write".
# ** Error: C:/Users/Daniele/Desktop/Esercizi/Format_IO.vhd(33): VHDL
Compiler exiting

where am I wrong?




Dek avait prétendu :
L1:write (buf, "This is an example of formatted I/O");

You need to use qualified expressions :
L1:write (buf, string'("This is an example of formatted I/O"));

I personnaly use often the trick to concatenate a character.
"Hello" & HT becomes automatically a string (it's not ambiguous any

We teach this in the Doulos course ;-)



OK, that one's easy...

There are at least eight different versions of "write".
The version to write a string looks, to the compiler,
exactly the same as the version to write a bit-vector:

  write(buf, "1011"); -- String or bit-vector???

Hence the "ambiguous" error message.  There are two
possible fixes:

1) Type-qualify the string:

  write(buf, string'("My message"));

2) Create a specialised version of "write", with a
different name, to deal with the very common problem
of writing a string message:

  procedure WrStr(L: inout line; S: in string) is
    write (L, S);  -- No ambiguity; S is of string type

Now you can do simply

  WrStr(buf, "My message");

and all will be well.

FOOTNOTE for the nitpickier members of c.l.vhdl:
The simple implementation of WrStr, above, is
incomplete.  To provide the full facilities of
"write", complete with formatting, you need this
slightly more complex version:

  procedure WrStr
    ( L         : inout line
    ; S         : in string
    ; JUSTIFIED : in SIDE := right
    ; FIELD     : in WIDTH := 0
    ) is
    write(L, S, JUSTIFIED, FIELD);

Of course, thanks to the default arguments you can
still call it like this if you wish:
  WrStr(buf, "message");
Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

DOULOS - Developing Design Know-how
VHDL * Verilog * SystemC * e * Perl * Tcl/Tk * Project Services

Doulos Ltd., 22 Market Place, Ringwood, BH24 1AW, UK
(e-mail address removed)://www.MYCOMPANY.com

The contents of this message may contain personal views which
are not the views of Doulos Ltd., unless specifically stated.

Thank you very much

now it works properly


Dek avait prétendu :

You need to use qualified expressions :
       L1:write (buf, string'("This is an example of formatted I/O"));

I personnaly use often the trick to concatenate a character.
"Hello" & HT becomes automatically a string (it's not ambiguous any

We teach this in the Doulos course ;-)


Thank you very much,

now it works properly, but I didn't how to concatenate a character;
what should I write?


Dek avait prétendu :

You need to use qualified expressions :
       L1:write (buf, string'("This is an example of formatted I/O"));

I personnaly use often the trick to concatenate a character.
"Hello" & HT becomes automatically a string (it's not ambiguous any

We teach this in the Doulos course ;-)


Thank you all,

now it works properly, but I didn't get how to concatenate a
what should I write?




Dek said:
Hi everybody,

I'm new to VHDL an to this group too; as an exercise I'm trying to
import data from several files using package TextIO, but I haven't
found yet a good manual or tutorial about it; may you suggest me some?




Hi Dek,

As has been suggested a number of times on this newsgroup you might want to
check out the VHDL stdio package:


if you know C than this package makes textio a lot easier (at least I think
it does),



Dek a utilisé son clavier pour écrire :
Thank you all,

now it works properly, but I didn't get how to concatenate a
what should I write?



"Hello" & HT


2) Create a specialised version of "write", with a
different name, to deal with the very common problem
of writing a string message:

  procedure WrStr(L: inout line; S: in string) is

In the VHDL-2008 language revision, the following alias
was added to std.textio:


You call SWRITE just like Jonanthan's WrStr.

I have been using some of the supported VHDL-2008
features in both ModelSim and Aldec. If you have the
latest versions, I suspect this is in the supported list.

SynthWorks VHDL Training

If you are in the US, SynthWorks also covers textio
and has regularly scheduled classes.

Mike Treseler

Dek said:
what I want to do actually is an hardware model using a .txt file for
the testbench. I' m trying to read different lines from a single file,
and different data from a single line, and writing the same.

It is quite common for new vhdl testbenchers
to try to write a text script and interpret it using
textio rather than learning how to use
vhdl types and procedures.
I will decline to elaborate because
I don't think this is a good idea.
Where can I find Doulos VHDL courses?


-- Mike Treseler


It is quite common for new vhdl testbenchers
to try to write a text script and interpret it using
textio rather than learning how to use
vhdl types and procedures.
I will decline to elaborate because
I don't think this is a good idea.


     -- Mike Treseler

I think I can't do anything better, because I have to simulate how an
FPGA would work on data coming from a detector, that are already
stored in many .txt files.

Now the problem is that such files are thousands and it takes a lot of
time to change manually their name in vhdl code. One idea is to use
Generics, name all data files in a "name.do" file and use "do name.do"
command. Even in this case, however, I have to name files manually one
by one. Do you know if there is a way to read all files in a folder
without nameing them?
The same problem, unfortunately, is for writing, since for each in-
file I have to write one out-file.




Hi everybody,

I'm new to VHDL an to this group too; as an exercise I'm trying to
import data from several files using package TextIO, but I haven't
found yet a good manual or tutorial about it; may you suggest me some?




You may see this page as an example for text io usyage.
Sometimes simulation are very long, which makes it impossible to
record waves for the entire simulation. The monitor helps you locate
those areas, which need debug and waves.


I think I can't do anything better, because I have to simulate how an
FPGA would work on data coming from a detector, that are already
stored in many .txt files.

One could ask how did those files get created in the first place. Unless
they were generated from an actual detector, then they were artificially
generated in the first place. Rather than artificially generating data into
text files and then figuring out how to read them into a testbench it is
much more productive to model the detector in the VHDL testbench and totally
bypass file I/O (which is not really one of VHDL's strengths).

But I'll assume though that you have to work with file I/O.
Now the problem is that such files are thousands and it takes a lot of
time to change manually their name in vhdl code. One idea is to use
Generics, name all data files in a "name.do" file and use "do name.do"
command. Even in this case, however, I have to name files manually one
by one.

Not really. The name.do file can be easily created with a simple directory
listing command
(Windows command line "dir /b >name.do"). That's pretty easy to do.
Do you know if there is a way to read all files in a folder
without nameing them?

I don't.
The same problem, unfortunately, is for writing, since for each in-
file I have to write one out-file.
Once you've read in a line from 'name.do' you've got a unique input file
name. I would construct a similarly unique output file name by modifying
the input file name in some fashion (say by appending ".out" to the input
file name).

Kevin Jennings


Dek wrote:
I think I can't do anything better, because I have to simulate how an
FPGA would work on data coming from a detector, that are already
stored in many .txt files.

Now the problem is that such files are thousands and it takes a lot of
time to change manually their name in vhdl code. One idea is to use
Generics, name all data files in a "name.do" file and use "do name.do"
command. Even in this case, however, I have to name files manually one
by one. Do you know if there is a way to read all files in a folder
without nameing them?

Look into using Tcl which if fully integrated with Modelsim. To read a
directory simply use the "glob *" command followed by a "foreach" to handle
each filename. Other useful Tcl Modelsim commands are force/when and examine
(see manual),



Look into using Tcl which if fully integrated with Modelsim. To read a
directory simply use the "glob *" command followed by a "foreach" to handle
each filename. Other useful Tcl Modelsim commands are force/when and examine
(see manual),


- Mostra testo citato -

Thanks all

I think I'll try first the idea of KJ; since I'm just learning VHDL
and ModelSim, I'll leave Tcl for the future.

Thanks again




One could ask how did those files get created in the first place.  Unless
they were generated from an actual detector, then they were artificially
generated in the first place.  Rather than artificially generating data into
text files and then figuring out how to read them into a testbench it is
much more productive to model the detector in the VHDL testbench and totally
bypass file I/O (which is not really one of VHDL's strengths).

But I'll assume though that you have to work with file I/O.

Not really.  The name.do file can be easily created with a simple directory
listing command
(Windows command line "dir /b >name.do").  That's pretty easy to do.

I don't.

Once you've read in a line from 'name.do' you've got a unique input file
name.  I would construct a similarly unique output file name by modifying
the input file name in some fashion (say by appending ".out" to the input
file name).

Kevin Jennings

Ok, I'll definitively thank this group in my thesis! Your idea seems
to work, but there is still a little problem:

the name are of different length! If i do like this:
VARIABLE filename : String (23 downto 1);
it works until it find a filename of lenght different from 23.

I tried to do something like this:
VARIABLE filename : String;
VARIABLE filename : String (natural range<>);
but I always get an error message.
Have any suggestion?



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