Josef 'Jupp' Schugt
I first wanted to send the following in a PM to Hal but facing the
recent TOFU (Text On-top of Fullquote) orgies posting it seems to be
a better idea.
The German version of the FAQ has a pointer to http://learn.to/quote
(that's 'Wie zitiere ich im Usenet?' by Dirk Nimmich). An english
version (the translation is not *that* good but good enough) entitled
'How do I quote correctly in Usenet?' does exist and is available at
I think this text should be linked in the english version.
Because many formal issues result from the use of OE the german
version also has a pointer to the 'FAQ zu Microsoft Outlook Express'.
There seems to be no translation but there is a similar page in
English available at
I suggest to add this to the original FAQ, also.
Please take notice of signature! / Bitte Signature beachten!
Josef 'Jupp' Schugt
I first wanted to send the following in a PM to Hal but facing the
recent TOFU (Text On-top of Fullquote) orgies posting it seems to be
a better idea.
The German version of the FAQ has a pointer to http://learn.to/quote
(that's 'Wie zitiere ich im Usenet?' by Dirk Nimmich). An english
version (the translation is not *that* good but good enough) entitled
'How do I quote correctly in Usenet?' does exist and is available at
I think this text should be linked in the english version.
Because many formal issues result from the use of OE the german
version also has a pointer to the 'FAQ zu Microsoft Outlook Express'.
There seems to be no translation but there is a similar page in
English available at
I suggest to add this to the original FAQ, also.
Please take notice of signature! / Bitte Signature beachten!
Josef 'Jupp' Schugt