The complete list of methods and functions called by a custom control


Nathan Sokalski

This may be a bit of an extreme request, but I believe it would help many
people (including me, which is why I ask) write and debug their custom
controls. I would like a complete list of all the following in the order
they are executed:

Events for a class that inherits System.Web.UI.Control (such as Load,
PreRender, etc.)
Methods implemented for interfaces commonly used in custom controls (such as
Methods commonly overridden in custom controls (such as CreateChildControls,
LoadViewState, etc.)

I realize that some of these events, methods, and functions are not always
called in the same order, and when it can be determined I would like to know
under what conditions this occurs. I may sound very demanding here, but
sometimes it can be hard to teach these things to yourself when everywhere
you look they leave out some of the ones you are using. If anyone knows of a
website that gives this information, I would be very appreciative (and I'm
sure many other developers would as well). Thanks.

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