the difference _cdecl from _thiscall...?



I know _cdecl is often used by the static function that has variable args num...
In _cdecl func... after returnning function, pop args...
In _stdcall func... before retunning function, pop args...

but.. how is _thiscall?

I found it that member function's convention is _thiscall in Visual C++.
Is ANSI C++ same?

My english is poor... sorry...
thanks... :)

Mike Wahler

LinusLee said:
I know _cdecl is often used by the static function that has variable args num...
In _cdecl func... after returnning function, pop args...
In _stdcall func... before retunning function, pop args...

but.. how is _thiscall?

I found it that member function's convention is _thiscall in Visual C++.
Is ANSI C++ same?

No. Standard C++ has no such keywords as '_cdecl',
'_stdcall', or '_thiscall'. Those are implementation
(MSVC++) -specific keywords. See your Visual C++
documentation and/or visit
to learn their meanings, and how and when to use them.
Note that their use will render your code nonstandard
and nonportable.


Prateek R Karandikar

I know _cdecl is often used by the static function that has variable args num...
In _cdecl func... after returnning function, pop args...
In _stdcall func... before retunning function, pop args...

but.. how is _thiscall?

I found it that member function's convention is _thiscall in Visual C++.
Is ANSI C++ same?

My english is poor... sorry...
thanks... :)

There are no such things as _cdecl, _stdcall, or _thiscall is Standard C++.

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-L. Peter Deutsch

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