Now, i define the following variables:
bitset<32> a, b;
int c, d;
and I have give some value to a, b, c, d, and if i compare (a == b),
is it like the integer compare like (c == d), or
it just do a loop 0 to 31 to compare if (a == b) and what is the
efficience compared with (c == d), if slow? is it
O(n) or just a little slower than O(1)?
bitset<32> a, b;
int c, d;
and I have give some value to a, b, c, d, and if i compare (a == b),
is it like the integer compare like (c == d), or
it just do a loop 0 to 31 to compare if (a == b) and what is the
efficience compared with (c == d), if slow? is it
O(n) or just a little slower than O(1)?