the power of Ruby and #ruby-lang


Bill Guindon

Two days ago, I mentioned I'd like to be able to read .dbf files.
Yesterday, I mentioned it again. One of the replies I got was
essentially "it's easier than you think, just build it. here's a link
to the specs. I've written an xBase interface before, and I'll help
you if you get stuck."

That said, I looked. 24 hrs later, I now have a tool that will open
and read .dbf files - including memos. It can't write them yet, but
I've spec'd that out, and have the basics done (and tested).

When I started this, I knew nothing about the xBase file specs, and
had avoided pack/unpack like the plague (yes, "aggressive

All told, there were probably 7 or 8 different people who jumped in
when I got stuck, each one handling something they were familiar with
- most were not (specifically) related to dBase files.

Just want to give a general "thank you" to the crowd on #ruby-lang.
I'd name names, but they know who they are, and if you don't...
consider this an invitation :)

For those of you who are xBase curious, I have some commitments to
take care of, but hope to offer something in the next couple of
months. If you need something sooner, I'd be willing to share what
I've done so far.


[snip good stuff]
Just want to give a general "thank you" to the crowd on #ruby-lang.
I'd name names, but they know who they are, and if you don't...
consider this an invitation :)

thank you for your work
For those of you who are xBase curious, I have some commitments to
take care of, but hope to offer something in the next couple of
months. If you need something sooner, I'd be willing to share what
I've done so far.
Bill Guindon (aka aGorilla)

In the meantime you may want to have to look at:
(in case you haven't read it yet!)

have fun !

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