Lately, I've been intrigued by the posted headers that show up here.
Upon expansion of threads, I've noticed that only the simplest
education industry questions get real answers. AND those answers
are accompanied with vile rehtoric aimed at the poster, at some
pseudo "educational" janra, as if some here think they are the
"teachers" of the Perl introductory class talking to starried
eyed newbies. The "should I use [] or {} ?" gets a hundred responses
from these morons. For the questions over thier heads, I mean just
intermediate ones, the response is "Have you got your head up ur ass?
I'm not here to write code for you dipshit. Read the Perldocs.....
er ah... > perldoc -{} your question.
IS THIS ALL THIS NEWSGROUP IS? Shouldn't there be a FAQ as to what
not to post here. I mean the "category" and "complexity".
I wish this will get cleared up. I'm so tired of the
QUESTIONS being a hell of alot better than the ANSWERS!!!!!
It would make someone searching usenet topics that they
might actually find answers here.. which is a load of shit!
Upon expansion of threads, I've noticed that only the simplest
education industry questions get real answers. AND those answers
are accompanied with vile rehtoric aimed at the poster, at some
pseudo "educational" janra, as if some here think they are the
"teachers" of the Perl introductory class talking to starried
eyed newbies. The "should I use [] or {} ?" gets a hundred responses
from these morons. For the questions over thier heads, I mean just
intermediate ones, the response is "Have you got your head up ur ass?
I'm not here to write code for you dipshit. Read the Perldocs.....
er ah... > perldoc -{} your question.
IS THIS ALL THIS NEWSGROUP IS? Shouldn't there be a FAQ as to what
not to post here. I mean the "category" and "complexity".
I wish this will get cleared up. I'm so tired of the
QUESTIONS being a hell of alot better than the ANSWERS!!!!!
It would make someone searching usenet topics that they
might actually find answers here.. which is a load of shit!