Xuejun Li
The xml schema specification has put a lot limitations on how the xsd:all
should be used. Including all the elements must appear once (minOccurs and
maxOccurs = 0 or 1) and limited to be used only on top level of any content
Then I wonder how shall I define my schema when I don't acually care about
the sequence but I have elements that could appear more than once and they
are not at the top level?
//Li Xuejun
The xml schema specification has put a lot limitations on how the xsd:all
should be used. Including all the elements must appear once (minOccurs and
maxOccurs = 0 or 1) and limited to be used only on top level of any content
Then I wonder how shall I define my schema when I don't acually care about
the sequence but I have elements that could appear more than once and they
are not at the top level?
//Li Xuejun