Martin said:
What can I use as a general purpose duplexed IO object to communicate
via data streams between two threads? I would like something similar to
TCPSocket, but without the need to communicate via a network port.
I've thought of creating two pipes (because I understand by nature that
one end is read-only and the other write-only) and then giving each
thread a read end and a write end, as shown below. The problem is that
this hangs indefinitely, perhaps just highlighting my lack of
understanding of how IO works (if that is the case, please be so kind as
to put me out of my misery and point me to a good primer).
So, here goes:
gui_rd, ctr_wr = IO.pipe
ctr_rd, gui_wr = IO.pipe
gui =, gui_wr) {|gui_rd, gui_wr|
gui_wr << "I've got something for you\n"
puts gui_rd.gets
ctr =, ctr_wr) {|ctr_rd, ctr_wr|
puts ctr_rd.gets
ctr_wr << "Right back at you\n"