Gavin Lyons via .NET 247
I'm writing a newsletter application which uses backgroundthreading. I'm using Session variable to report on progresswhile it loops through a dataset. The 'Status.aspx' pagerefreshes every 5 seconds while outputing the Session variables.My problem is, once the page redirects to 'Status.aspx' its showthe that's it only gets half through the dataset. If I increaseThread.Sleep to 2000 goes all the way through. I don't get anyerror message, it's like the MailObj disappears once the pageredirects. Do I need to use something like Context.Items.Add ?
Any ideas would be great
Gavin Lyons
private void Send_Click(object sender,System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs e)
if (Subject.Text!="")
string SQLString = "SELECT * FROM Members";
i386.Newsletter.mailer MailObj = new mailer();
MailObj.SMTPhost = "mail.smtp.com";
MailObj.From = From.SelectedValue;
MailObj.Body = Body();
MailObj.Sessions = true;
MailObj.EmailAddressField = "UserID";
MailObj.EmailNameField = "<!--FirstName--> <!--LastName-->";
MailObj.DataSet = i386.DatabaseSystem.GetDataSet(SQLString,"WebConfigDatabaseConnection");
MailObj.WebContext =(System.Web.HttpContext)Session["WebContext"];
Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(MailObj.Send));
thread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
Response.Redirect("status.aspx", true);
Label_Message.Text="Missing data!";
public class mailer
private string _SMTPhost="localhost";
private string _Body="";
private string _From="";
private string _FromName="";
private string _Subject="";
private string _DatabaseConnection;
private string _EmailAddressField;
private string _EmailNameField;
private System.Web.HttpContext _WebContext;
private DataSet _DataSet;
private bool _Sessions=true;
public string SMTPhost
get {return _SMTPhost;}
set {_SMTPhost=value;}
public string EmailNameField
get {return _EmailNameField;}
set {_EmailNameField=value;}
public string EmailAddressField
get {return _EmailAddressField;}
set {_EmailAddressField=value;}
public string Body
get {return _Body;}
set {_Body=value;}
public string Subject
get {return _Subject;}
set {_Subject=value;}
public string From
get {return _From;}
set {_From=value;}
public string FromName
get {return _FromName;}
set {_FromName=value;}
public bool Sessions
get {return _Sessions;}
set {_Sessions=value;}
public DataSet DataSet
set {_DataSet=value;}
get {return _DataSet;}
public System.Web.HttpContext WebContext
set {_WebContext=value;}
get {return _WebContext;}
private string ReplaceFields(DataRow DR, string String)
string ReplStr = String;
foreach (DataColumn Column in DR.Table.Columns)
ReplStr = ReplStr.Replace("<!--" + Column.ToString() + "-->",DR[Column.ToString()].ToString());
return ReplStr;
public void Send()
#region Initialise Sessions
if (this.Sessions)
lock(WebContext.Session.SyncRoot )//lock the session object
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // for reporting
WebContext.Session["StatusLine"] = "Retrieving data tosend ..";
WebContext.Session["EmailReport"] = sb;
WebContext.Session["EmailCounter"] = "0";
WebContext.Session["TotalEmailsToSend"] =0;
WebContext.Session["Done"] = "false";
WebContext.Session["TotalEmailsToSend"] =this.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString();
WebContext.Response.Write("Retrieving data to send ..");
// Newsletter Merging
int startAt = Environment.TickCount;
int EmailCounter = 0;
bool TestMode = true;
foreach (DataRow DR in this.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
#region loop sending
// SMTP stmpobj = new SMTP(this.SMTPhost);
// EmailMessage emailmsg = new EmailMessage();
string BodyForEmail = ReplaceFields(DR, this.Body);
string ToForEmail = DR[this.EmailAddressField].ToString();
string ToNameForEmail = ReplaceFields(DR,this.EmailNameField);
string SubjectForEmail = ReplaceFields(DR, this.Subject);
if (this.Sessions)
lock(WebContext.Session.SyncRoot )
WebContext.Session[ "StatusLine" ] = "Processing " +ToForEmail;
if (!TestMode)
WebContext.Response.Write("Sending to "+ ToForEmail + "("+ ToNameForEmail + ") " + WebContext.Session[ "StatusLine"].ToString() + "<br/>");
if (this.Sessions)
{ // Reporting
((StringBuilder)WebContext.Session["EmailReport"]).Append(EmailCounter+ "," + DR["UserID"].ToString() +
", " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ", Successful<BR>" );//Reporting
catch (Exception ErrorMsg)
if (this.Sessions)
{ // Reporting
((StringBuilder)WebContext.Session["EmailReport"]).Append(EmailCounter+ "," + DR["UserID"].ToString() +
", " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ", Failed:" +ErrorMsg.Message + "<BR>" );
if (this.Sessions)
WebContext.Session[ "EmailCounter" ] = EmailCounter;
#region Sessions Final Values
if (this.Sessions)
lock( WebContext.Session.SyncRoot )
int ms = Environment.TickCount - startAt;
int seconds = ms/1000;
WebContext.Session[ "SecondsForMailMerge" ] =seconds.ToString();
WebContext.Session["Done"] = true;
WebContext.Session["StatusLine"] = "NewsletterCompleted!";
// this.DataSet.Dispose();
catch (Exception ex)
#region Session Report with Error
if (this.Sessions)
lock(WebContext.Session.SyncRoot )
WebContext.Session["MailMergeException"] = ex;
WebContext.Response.Write("Mailer Error:" + ex.Message);
I'm writing a newsletter application which uses backgroundthreading. I'm using Session variable to report on progresswhile it loops through a dataset. The 'Status.aspx' pagerefreshes every 5 seconds while outputing the Session variables.My problem is, once the page redirects to 'Status.aspx' its showthe that's it only gets half through the dataset. If I increaseThread.Sleep to 2000 goes all the way through. I don't get anyerror message, it's like the MailObj disappears once the pageredirects. Do I need to use something like Context.Items.Add ?
Any ideas would be great
Gavin Lyons
private void Send_Click(object sender,System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs e)
if (Subject.Text!="")
string SQLString = "SELECT * FROM Members";
i386.Newsletter.mailer MailObj = new mailer();
MailObj.SMTPhost = "mail.smtp.com";
MailObj.From = From.SelectedValue;
MailObj.Body = Body();
MailObj.Sessions = true;
MailObj.EmailAddressField = "UserID";
MailObj.EmailNameField = "<!--FirstName--> <!--LastName-->";
MailObj.DataSet = i386.DatabaseSystem.GetDataSet(SQLString,"WebConfigDatabaseConnection");
MailObj.WebContext =(System.Web.HttpContext)Session["WebContext"];
Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(MailObj.Send));
thread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
Response.Redirect("status.aspx", true);
Label_Message.Text="Missing data!";
public class mailer
private string _SMTPhost="localhost";
private string _Body="";
private string _From="";
private string _FromName="";
private string _Subject="";
private string _DatabaseConnection;
private string _EmailAddressField;
private string _EmailNameField;
private System.Web.HttpContext _WebContext;
private DataSet _DataSet;
private bool _Sessions=true;
public string SMTPhost
get {return _SMTPhost;}
set {_SMTPhost=value;}
public string EmailNameField
get {return _EmailNameField;}
set {_EmailNameField=value;}
public string EmailAddressField
get {return _EmailAddressField;}
set {_EmailAddressField=value;}
public string Body
get {return _Body;}
set {_Body=value;}
public string Subject
get {return _Subject;}
set {_Subject=value;}
public string From
get {return _From;}
set {_From=value;}
public string FromName
get {return _FromName;}
set {_FromName=value;}
public bool Sessions
get {return _Sessions;}
set {_Sessions=value;}
public DataSet DataSet
set {_DataSet=value;}
get {return _DataSet;}
public System.Web.HttpContext WebContext
set {_WebContext=value;}
get {return _WebContext;}
private string ReplaceFields(DataRow DR, string String)
string ReplStr = String;
foreach (DataColumn Column in DR.Table.Columns)
ReplStr = ReplStr.Replace("<!--" + Column.ToString() + "-->",DR[Column.ToString()].ToString());
return ReplStr;
public void Send()
#region Initialise Sessions
if (this.Sessions)
lock(WebContext.Session.SyncRoot )//lock the session object
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // for reporting
WebContext.Session["StatusLine"] = "Retrieving data tosend ..";
WebContext.Session["EmailReport"] = sb;
WebContext.Session["EmailCounter"] = "0";
WebContext.Session["TotalEmailsToSend"] =0;
WebContext.Session["Done"] = "false";
WebContext.Session["TotalEmailsToSend"] =this.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString();
WebContext.Response.Write("Retrieving data to send ..");
// Newsletter Merging
int startAt = Environment.TickCount;
int EmailCounter = 0;
bool TestMode = true;
foreach (DataRow DR in this.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
#region loop sending
// SMTP stmpobj = new SMTP(this.SMTPhost);
// EmailMessage emailmsg = new EmailMessage();
string BodyForEmail = ReplaceFields(DR, this.Body);
string ToForEmail = DR[this.EmailAddressField].ToString();
string ToNameForEmail = ReplaceFields(DR,this.EmailNameField);
string SubjectForEmail = ReplaceFields(DR, this.Subject);
if (this.Sessions)
lock(WebContext.Session.SyncRoot )
WebContext.Session[ "StatusLine" ] = "Processing " +ToForEmail;
if (!TestMode)
WebContext.Response.Write("Sending to "+ ToForEmail + "("+ ToNameForEmail + ") " + WebContext.Session[ "StatusLine"].ToString() + "<br/>");
if (this.Sessions)
{ // Reporting
((StringBuilder)WebContext.Session["EmailReport"]).Append(EmailCounter+ "," + DR["UserID"].ToString() +
", " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ", Successful<BR>" );//Reporting
catch (Exception ErrorMsg)
if (this.Sessions)
{ // Reporting
((StringBuilder)WebContext.Session["EmailReport"]).Append(EmailCounter+ "," + DR["UserID"].ToString() +
", " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ", Failed:" +ErrorMsg.Message + "<BR>" );
if (this.Sessions)
WebContext.Session[ "EmailCounter" ] = EmailCounter;
#region Sessions Final Values
if (this.Sessions)
lock( WebContext.Session.SyncRoot )
int ms = Environment.TickCount - startAt;
int seconds = ms/1000;
WebContext.Session[ "SecondsForMailMerge" ] =seconds.ToString();
WebContext.Session["Done"] = true;
WebContext.Session["StatusLine"] = "NewsletterCompleted!";
// this.DataSet.Dispose();
catch (Exception ex)
#region Session Report with Error
if (this.Sessions)
lock(WebContext.Session.SyncRoot )
WebContext.Session["MailMergeException"] = ex;
WebContext.Response.Write("Mailer Error:" + ex.Message);