I was trying to code the classic tictactoe in ruby.
Now it only plays itself doing random moves until someone wins, and
are still some bugs.
But the thing that really I don't understand is another,
With this line every time I pick the next move:
x, y = (0...(board.length)).to_a.choice, (0...
But I get always the same game!!:
step 0 we have:
[[nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil]]
step 1 we have:
[[nil, nil, "O"], [nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, "X"]]
step 2 we have:
[[nil, "O", "O"], ["X", nil, nil], [nil, nil, "X"]]
sorry 2, 2 already set
sorry 0, 2 already set
step 3 we have:
[[nil, "O", "X"], ["X", nil, nil], ["O", "X", "X"]]
player X has won
[[nil, "O", "X"], ["X", nil, "X"], ["O", "X", "X"]]
It looks like there's nothing really random here, am I missing
something maybe??
The full source code
Thanks a lot for any hint
Now it only plays itself doing random moves until someone wins, and
are still some bugs.
But the thing that really I don't understand is another,
With this line every time I pick the next move:
x, y = (0...(board.length)).to_a.choice, (0...
But I get always the same game!!:
step 0 we have:
[[nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil]]
step 1 we have:
[[nil, nil, "O"], [nil, nil, nil], [nil, nil, "X"]]
step 2 we have:
[[nil, "O", "O"], ["X", nil, nil], [nil, nil, "X"]]
sorry 2, 2 already set
sorry 0, 2 already set
step 3 we have:
[[nil, "O", "X"], ["X", nil, nil], ["O", "X", "X"]]
player X has won
[[nil, "O", "X"], ["X", nil, "X"], ["O", "X", "X"]]
It looks like there's nothing really random here, am I missing
something maybe??
The full source code
Thanks a lot for any hint