time consuming loops over lists



X-No-Archive: yes
Can some one help me improve this block of code...this jus converts the
list of data into tokens based on the range it falls into...but it
takes a long time.Can someone tell me what can i change to improve

def Tkz(tk,data):
no_of_bins = 10
tkns = []
dmax = max(data)+1
dmin = min(data)
rng = ceil(abs((dmax - dmin)/(no_of_bins*1.0)))
rngs = zeros(no_of_bins+1)
for i in xrange(no_of_bins+1):
rngs = dmin + (rng*i)
for i in xrange(len(data)):
for j in xrange(len(rngs)-1):
if data in xrange(rngs[j],rngs[j+1]):
tkns.append( str(tk)+str(j) )
return tkns

Diez B. Roggisch

X-No-Archive: yes
Can some one help me improve this block of code...this jus converts the
list of data into tokens based on the range it falls into...but it
takes a long time.Can someone tell me what can i change to improve

if data in xrange(rngs[j],rngs[j+1]):

That's a bummer: You create a list and then search linearily in in -
where all you want to know is

if rngs[j] <= data < rngs[j+1]

Attached is a script that does contain your old and my enhanced version
- and shows that the results are equal. Running only your version takes
~35s, where mine uses ~1s!!!

Another optimization im too lazy now would be to do sort of a "tree
search" of data in rngs - as the ranges are ordered, you could find
the proper one in log_2(len(rngs)) instead of len(rngs)/2.

Additional improvements can be achieved when data is sorted - but that
depends on your application and actually sizes of data.


from math import *
from Numeric import *
from random import *
def Tkz2(tk,data):
no_of_bins = 10
tkns = []
dmax = max(data)+1
dmin = min(data)
rng = ceil(abs((dmax - dmin)/(no_of_bins*1.0)))
rngs = zeros(no_of_bins+1)
for i in xrange(no_of_bins+1):
rngs = dmin + (rng*i)
for i in xrange(len(data)):
for j in xrange(len(rngs)-1):
if rngs[j] <= data < rngs[j+1]:
tkns.append( str(tk)+str(j) )
return tkns

def Tkz(tk,data):
no_of_bins = 10
tkns = []
dmax = max(data)+1
dmin = min(data)
rng = ceil(abs((dmax - dmin)/(no_of_bins*1.0)))
rngs = zeros(no_of_bins+1)
for i in xrange(no_of_bins+1):
rngs = dmin + (rng*i)
for i in xrange(len(data)):
for j in xrange(len(rngs)-1):
if data in xrange(rngs[j], rngs[j+1]):
tkns.append( str(tk)+str(j) )
return tkns

data = range(20,12312)
res1 = Tkz('A', data)
res2 = Tkz2('A', data)

print res1 == res2


wow i dint know that a single statement like that would make such a
difference. Thanks you very much. that really improves the performance

Peter Otten

Can some one help me improve this block of code...this jus converts the
list of data into tokens based on the range it falls into...but it
takes a long time.Can someone tell me what can i change to improve

def Tkz(tk,data):
no_of_bins = 10
tkns = []
dmax = max(data)+1
dmin = min(data)
rng = ceil(abs((dmax - dmin)/(no_of_bins*1.0)))
rngs = zeros(no_of_bins+1)
for i in xrange(no_of_bins+1):
rngs = dmin + (rng*i)
for i in xrange(len(data)):
for j in xrange(len(rngs)-1):
if data in xrange(rngs[j],rngs[j+1]):
tkns.append( str(tk)+str(j) )
return tkns

Use bisect(), e. g., with a slightly modified function signature:

from __future__ import division
import bisect
from math import ceil

def tkz(tk, data, no_of_bins=10):
dmax = max(data) + 1
dmin = min(data)
rng = ceil((dmax - dmin)/no_of_bins)
rngs = [dmin + rng*i for i in xrange(1, no_of_bins+1)]
tokens = [tk + str(i) for i in xrange(no_of_bins)]
return [tokens[bisect.bisect(rngs, v)] for v in data]

if __name__ == "__main__":
print tkz("token_", [5, 7, 8, 9, 70, 200])

What are the tokens for, by the way? I'd recommend using the indices
directly if possible.


Andrea Griffini

Another optimization im too lazy now would be to do sort of a "tree
search" of data in rngs - as the ranges are ordered, you could find
the proper one in log_2(len(rngs)) instead of len(rngs)/2.

I don't see a "break" so why the "/2" ? also IIUC the
ranges are more than just ordered... they're all equal
and computed by

for i in xrange(no_of_bins+1):
rngs = dmin + (rng*i)

so my guess is that instead of searching with

for j in xrange(len(rngs)-1):
if rngs[j] <= data < rngs[j+1]:

one could just do

j = int((data - dmin)/rng)

The code with this change gets roughly about twice faster.


Diez B. Roggisch

I don't see a "break" so why the "/2" ? also IIUC the

That was the assumption of an equal distribution of the data. In
O-notationn this would be O(n) of course.


John Machin

Diez said:
X-No-Archive: yes
Can some one help me improve this block of code...this jus converts the
list of data into tokens based on the range it falls into...but it
takes a long time.Can someone tell me what can i change to improve

if data in xrange(rngs[j],rngs[j+1]):

That's a bummer: You create a list and then search linearily in in -
where all you want to know is

if rngs[j] <= data < rngs[j+1]

Attached is a script that does contain your old and my enhanced version
- and shows that the results are equal. Running only your version takes
~35s, where mine uses ~1s!!!

Another optimization im too lazy now would be to do sort of a "tree
search" of data in rngs - as the ranges are ordered, you could find
the proper one in log_2(len(rngs)) instead of len(rngs)/2.

Additional improvements can be achieved when data is sorted - but that
depends on your application and actually sizes of data.


Make these changes/additions:
# from Numeric import *
# +1 for Overkill-of-the-Year
def zeros(n):
return n * [0.0]

def Tkz3(tk, data, no_of_bins):
# indent 5 ???????
# change other funcs to have no_of_bins as an arg
tkns = []
dmax = max(data)+1
dmin = min(data)
rng = int(ceil(abs((dmax - dmin)/(no_of_bins*1.0))))
for datum in data:
j = (datum - dmin) // rng
tkns.append( str(tk)+str(j) )
return tkns

for func in (Tkz, Tkz2, Tkz3):
t0 = time.time()
result = func('A', data, nbins)
t1 = time.time()
print "function %s took %.2f seconds to produce %d tokens" %
(func.__name__, t1 - t0, len(result))

allsame = results [0] == results[1] == results[2]
print "\nIdentical results:", allsame
and get this:

C:\junk\ranges.py:46: DeprecationWarning: integer argument expected, got
if data in xrange(rngs[j], rngs[j+1]):
function Tkz took 12.13 seconds to produce 12292 tokens
function Tkz2 took 0.08 seconds to produce 12292 tokens
function Tkz3 took 0.02 seconds to produce 12292 tokens

Identical results: True

using Python 2.4.1 (win32) on a 3.2Ghz Intel P4

Notes: (1) The OP's code as well as being deliciously O(N**2) depends on
the data beint *integers* -- otherwise it goes rapidly pear-shaped; see
the deprecation warning above, and try running it with data = [0.00001*
x for x in range(20, 12312)]. Consequently the use of math.* is a /mild/

(2) The OP's code produces bins of equal nominal width but depending in
the range, the population of the last bin may be much less than the
population of the other bins. Another way of doing it would be to
produce bin widths so that the populations were more evenly spread. In
any case determining the appropriate bin could still be done by formula
rather than by searching.


Andrea Griffini

That was the assumption of an equal distribution of the data. In
O-notationn this would be O(n) of course.

It was a joke ... the issue is that there was no break
statement :) i.e. your code kept searching even after
finding the proper range!

Actually that break (with 10 bins) is not terribly
important because the cost of the comparision is
small compared to the cost of append. The timings
I got are..

your code 1.26 sec
adding break 0.98 sec
direct index computation 0.56 sec

10 bins are so few that with just low-level speedups
(i.e. precomputing a list of ranges and str(j)) the
code that does a linear scan requires just 0.60 seconds.

Hand optimizing the direct computation code the
execution time gets down to 0.3 seconds; the inner loop
i used is:

for i, x in enumerate(data):
j = int((x - dmin)/rng)
tkns = tks + js[j]

with data = range(20, 123120)


Peter Otten

X-No-Archive: yes
Can some one help me improve this block of code...this jus converts the
list of data into tokens based on the range it falls into...but it
takes a long time.Can someone tell me what can i change to improve

def Tkz(tk,data):
no_of_bins = 10
tkns = []
dmax = max(data)+1
dmin = min(data)
rng = ceil(abs((dmax - dmin)/(no_of_bins*1.0)))
rngs = zeros(no_of_bins+1)
for i in xrange(no_of_bins+1):
rngs = dmin + (rng*i)
for i in xrange(len(data)):
for j in xrange(len(rngs)-1):
if data in xrange(rngs[j],rngs[j+1]):
tkns.append( str(tk)+str(j) )
return tkns

On second thought, with bins of equal size you have an option that is even
faster than bisect:

def bins_calc(tk, data, no_of_bins=10):
dmax = max(data) + 1
dmin = min(data)
delta = dmax - dmin
rng = int(ceil((dmax - dmin)/no_of_bins))
tokens = [tk + str(i) for i in xrange(no_of_bins)]
return [tokens[(v-dmin)//rng] for v in data]


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