Time to put C++ in maintenance mode



You know it's way past time to relegate it. (Was 'relegate' the right
word?). C++ is not for new development. It has always been for "legacy"
development (cotton fields?). A vehicle for hardware companies to exploit?
The leadership and innovation required was never about hardware. The real
thing has always been software. Hardware is a follower. Time to put hardware
in it's appropriate place! (Gag me with a spoon with SSE instructions! SSE
shows that hardware people are idiots).



You know it's way past time to relegate it. (Was 'relegate' the right
word?). C++ is not for new development. It has always been for "legacy"
development (cotton fields?). A vehicle for hardware companies to exploit?
The leadership and innovation required was never about hardware. The real
thing has always been software. Hardware is a follower. Time to put hardware
in it's appropriate place! (Gag me with a spoon with SSE instructions! SSE
shows that hardware people are idiots).


If you still want something
as meaningful as living a life
Don't make such a question
because hardware is a conception
of a thing
not a human.
If you want hardware,
you can buy one at the store in
the corner of the street.
Or you can find some at the bar.
Pay some money
you will be gracefully done!


Stop using drugs.

Today, hardware can be
infected with viral software
and performs illegal actions
Including take in action with
other hardware pieces
As well as leaving its CPU upon the mouth
of the fan without any damage

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