I have read books and have ideas on how to create objects. I often
create my own projects and programs. They end up getting pretty
complex and long. I often use objects in my programs they are some of
the most powerful programming tools I have found. Often times as my
program grows so do my objects. Often times I look back and see that
my objects could be broken down int several smaller more re-usable
module pieces of code. Is it a good idea to go back and make several
smaller objects out of a big object.
Here is an example:
class unit{
HWND hwnd;
coord loc;
coord currentLoc;
graphics * gr;
tbox * combatBox;
std::map<char, coord> keys; //movement engine
coord n; //directions
coord s;
coord e;
coord w;
char kind;
float attack;
float dattack;
float defence;
int move;
int moved;
int dmove;
int range;
bool canmove;
bool selected;
bool mark;
bool disburse;
int col;
void create();
void displayBox(HDC, coord);
int convert(const int n){return n * 16;}
unit(HWND,graphics*,DWORD,float, float, int, int, int);
unit(HWND,graphics*,DWORD,float, float, int, int, int, bool);
DWORD sideColor(){return colors[0].getCode();}
int intAttack(){return attack;}
int intDefence(){return defence;}
float Attack(){return attack;}
float Defence(){return defence;}
int Moved(){return moved;}
void display(HDC); //display at crrent loc
void display(HDC, int, int); //display at specific loc
void display(HDC, int); //display with offset for stacking
void displayBig(HDC, int, int);
void change(HWND);
void update(HWND, coord);
coord nextCoord(char);
void mover(coord&, int);
void reset();
void tomark(); //marks unit for death;
bool marked(){return mark;}
coord getCoord(){return loc;}
coord getCurrent(){return currentLoc;}
bool canMove(){return canmove;}
bool isSelect(){return selected;}
bool inRange(coord);
void selectOn(){selected = true;}
void selectOff(){selected = false;}
void isArt(){range = 12;}
void cBoxOn(){combatBox = new tbox;};
void disbersed();
void unDisberse(){disburse = false;}
void write(std:
void load(std::ifstream&);
void addk(char k){kind = k;}
This is a unit for my game. Basically it is a single game piece.
It does everything I want the unit to do. It has a graphic color it
can fight and move.
It could be graphical.
It could be movable.
It can fight.
I have my has a:
Should I create a graphical that does the graphics
a movable that does the movement and fight-able
because it fights.
Later I could use those simpler types for things in my game that are
graphics but don't move or units that don't fight. I come to this
from experience. I don't want to go back and start editing an object
that works. For my next project I can create these simpler objects
and build more complex ones.
create my own projects and programs. They end up getting pretty
complex and long. I often use objects in my programs they are some of
the most powerful programming tools I have found. Often times as my
program grows so do my objects. Often times I look back and see that
my objects could be broken down int several smaller more re-usable
module pieces of code. Is it a good idea to go back and make several
smaller objects out of a big object.
Here is an example:
class unit{
HWND hwnd;
coord loc;
coord currentLoc;
graphics * gr;
tbox * combatBox;
std::map<char, coord> keys; //movement engine
coord n; //directions
coord s;
coord e;
coord w;
char kind;
float attack;
float dattack;
float defence;
int move;
int moved;
int dmove;
int range;
bool canmove;
bool selected;
bool mark;
bool disburse;
int col;
void create();
void displayBox(HDC, coord);
int convert(const int n){return n * 16;}
unit(HWND,graphics*,DWORD,float, float, int, int, int);
unit(HWND,graphics*,DWORD,float, float, int, int, int, bool);
DWORD sideColor(){return colors[0].getCode();}
int intAttack(){return attack;}
int intDefence(){return defence;}
float Attack(){return attack;}
float Defence(){return defence;}
int Moved(){return moved;}
void display(HDC); //display at crrent loc
void display(HDC, int, int); //display at specific loc
void display(HDC, int); //display with offset for stacking
void displayBig(HDC, int, int);
void change(HWND);
void update(HWND, coord);
coord nextCoord(char);
void mover(coord&, int);
void reset();
void tomark(); //marks unit for death;
bool marked(){return mark;}
coord getCoord(){return loc;}
coord getCurrent(){return currentLoc;}
bool canMove(){return canmove;}
bool isSelect(){return selected;}
bool inRange(coord);
void selectOn(){selected = true;}
void selectOff(){selected = false;}
void isArt(){range = 12;}
void cBoxOn(){combatBox = new tbox;};
void disbersed();
void unDisberse(){disburse = false;}
void write(std:
void load(std::ifstream&);
void addk(char k){kind = k;}
This is a unit for my game. Basically it is a single game piece.
It does everything I want the unit to do. It has a graphic color it
can fight and move.
It could be graphical.
It could be movable.
It can fight.
I have my has a:
Should I create a graphical that does the graphics
a movable that does the movement and fight-able
because it fights.
Later I could use those simpler types for things in my game that are
graphics but don't move or units that don't fight. I come to this
from experience. I don't want to go back and start editing an object
that works. For my next project I can create these simpler objects
and build more complex ones.