From: Ferenc Engard <
[email protected]>
Subject: tk application name
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 10:25:42 +0900
Message-ID: said:
Dealing with ruby/tk and option database, I have found that ruby sets
the application name (which can be read by 'tk appname' in tcl/tk)
always as 'Tk'. I think it should be the same as $0.
'tcltklib' doesn't set the application name.
The name is the default of the Tk library.
But your request is reasonable.
I'll edit tcltklib.c to use $0 when ip_name is not given.
Although you may have troubles on using option database when $0
includes dots (e.g. 'xxx.rb'), aren't you worried about it?
If you want to use the application class to deal with option
database on current Ruby/Tk, please read 'ext/tcltklib/MANUAL.eng'
(an English-like broken text).
class TclTkIp
[class methods]
new(ip_name=nil, options='')
: Generate an instance of TclTkIp class.
: If 'ip_name' argument is given as a string, it is the name
: of the Tk interpreter which is shown by 'winfo interps'
: command.
: 'options' argument accepts a string which is the command
: line options of wish; such as '-geometry' or '-use'.
: The information is used to generate the root widget of the
: interpreter.
: ( e.g. TclTkIp.new('FOO', '-geometry 500x200 -use 0x2200009') )
: If is given nil or falsr for the 'option' argument, generates
: the Tcl interpreter without Tk library. Then the interpreter
: doesn't need GUI environment. Therefore, even if a window
: system doesn't exist or cannot be used, Ruby can control the
: Tcl interpreter and the extention libraries loaded on the
: interpreter.
After that, please read 'ext/tk/lib/tk.rb'.
module TkCore
include TkComm
extend TkComm
unless self.const_defined? :INTERP
if self.const_defined? :IP_NAME
name = IP_NAME.to_s
name = nil
if self.const_defined? :IP_OPTS
if IP_OPTS.kind_of?(Hash)
opts = hash_kv(IP_OPTS).join(' ')
opts = IP_OPTS.to_s
opts = ''
INTERP = TclTkIp.new(name, opts)
And now, you will know how to give the interpreter name.
For example,
module TkCore
IP_NAME = 'XXX' #=> app-class is 'Xxx' (the first letter is capitalized)
IP_OPTS = {:geometry=>'500x200'}
require 'tk'
p Tk.appname #=> 'XXX'
p TkRoot.new.winfo_class #=> 'Xxx'
TkOptionDB.add 'Xxx*Text', 'AAA'
TkButton.new.pack #=> show a button widget with a label text 'AAA'