To Master CSS



CSS is one of the things that's becoming more and more important in
webdevelopment. And you're not on this website without a reason. You
identified that CSS could help you with creating websites much faster
and easier.
You may think stylesheets are only being used for colors and text
styling? Well I can reveal to you this isn't farther from the truth
than anything else. Four years ago, it was only used for that!
Look, web development have changed. The Internet and its websites are
changing too. Since I changed to CSS developing have become better for
me. And to be honest, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than where I
am now. You too can master CSS!

Beauregard T. Shagnasty

CSS is one of the things that's becoming more and more important in
webdevelopment. And you're not on this website without a reason. You

Website? My browser isn't running at the moment. Not at all. This us
identified that CSS could help you with creating websites much faster
and easier.

Ok, I will go along with that.
You may think stylesheets are only being used for colors and text
styling? Well I can reveal to you this isn't farther from the truth
than anything else. Four years ago, it was only used for that!

Four years ago, my websites were using CSS for a lot more than colors
and text styling. Sorry you haven't caught up yet.
Look, web development have changed. The Internet and its websites are
changing too. Since I changed to CSS developing have become better
for me. And to be honest, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than
where I am now. You too can master CSS!

So could you, if you studied a bit.


...and the obligatory:
Failed validation: 106 errors

Is it true that blogs are for people who don't know how to write web

Andy Dingley

You may think stylesheets are only being used for colors and text

No, I think you're using them (in your video) to place a site menu in
a container with an id="right" and then to set its width in pixels.
I'd see that as two coding errors and a warning, just in that sentence

So, no biscuit.

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