To wait for few secs before redirect



I have a asp result page which shows that a record has been successfully
updated. After this display I need to redirect this to a different page.
However, I would like to keep the display for few secs before the redirect. I
would appreciate the command to do this. Thanks for any help. Regards.


=?Utf-8?B?SmFjaw==?= wrote on 25 dec 2004 in
I have a asp result page which shows that a record has been
successfully updated. After this display I need to redirect this to a
different page. However, I would like to keep the display for few secs
before the redirect. I would appreciate the command to do this. Thanks
for any help. Regards.

Redirecting is a clientside happening.

Redirecting by ASP response.redirect too!!!

The latter however is redirected from the html header,
so cannot be delayed or show any output before redirecting.

Try your hand at <meta> or clientside script redirecting,
both of which are off topic on this NG.


Thanks for your feedback, Evertjan.
I am going to check out client side redirecting for an answer to my


Since I am exclusively working with asp pages, I was wondering if there is a
way to
report user that database has been updated before directing. Any idea on this?


=?Utf-8?B?SmFjaw==?= wrote on 25 dec 2004 in
Since I am exclusively working with asp pages, I was wondering if
there is a way to
report user that database has been updated before directing. Any idea
on this?

[please do not toppost on usenet]

As long as you mean ASP resirecting: No this cannot be done.

But this can:

'' open database and execute select sql first

if mData("updated")= "yes" then response.redirect "page1.asp"

' else
response.redirect "page2.asp"



Thanks for the insight Evertjan. Regards

Evertjan. said:
=?Utf-8?B?SmFjaw==?= wrote on 25 dec 2004 in
Since I am exclusively working with asp pages, I was wondering if
there is a way to
report user that database has been updated before directing. Any idea
on this?

[please do not toppost on usenet]

As long as you mean ASP resirecting: No this cannot be done.

But this can:

'' open database and execute select sql first

if mData("updated")= "yes" then response.redirect "page1.asp"

' else
response.redirect "page2.asp"


Hal Rosser

Jack said:
Thanks for the insight Evertjan. Regards

Evertjan. said:
=?Utf-8?B?SmFjaw==?= wrote on 25 dec 2004 in
Since I am exclusively working with asp pages, I was wondering if
there is a way to
report user that database has been updated before directing. Any idea
on this?

[please do not toppost on usenet]

As long as you mean ASP resirecting: No this cannot be done.

But this can:

'' open database and execute select sql first

if mData("updated")= "yes" then response.redirect "page1.asp"

' else
response.redirect "page2.asp"


You can put a javascript (client-side) function on the asp page which
informs the user the dtdbase has been updated.
look at the javascript settimeout function.
You can display your asp result page a few seconds, then javascript can take
the user to another page.


Hal Rosser wrote on 26 dec 2004:
You can put a javascript (client-side) function on the asp page which
informs the user the dtdbase has been updated.

On my page1.asp, you can, or you could make page1.asp and page2.asp
nearly the same, but for the database result message.

But that has nothing to do with ASP, so the term "asp-page" is
misleading, as it could also be page1.html and page2.html

In fact "page" is a clientside rendering, so an "asp page" is a
contradiction. It is a "file"(!) with an .asp exension and asp-code
content rendering a "html page"(!) on the client.
[Asp files can also render jpg, gif, video, xml, txt, etc]

Hal Rosser

What you're saying is that (semantics aside) that my suggestion is a good

Evertjan. said:
Hal Rosser wrote on 26 dec 2004:
You can put a javascript (client-side) function on the asp page which
informs the user the dtdbase has been updated.

On my page1.asp, you can, or you could make page1.asp and page2.asp
nearly the same, but for the database result message.

But that has nothing to do with ASP, so the term "asp-page" is
misleading, as it could also be page1.html and page2.html

In fact "page" is a clientside rendering, so an "asp page" is a
contradiction. It is a "file"(!) with an .asp exension and asp-code
content rendering a "html page"(!) on the client.
[Asp files can also render jpg, gif, video, xml, txt, etc]


Hal Rosser wrote on 27 dec 2004 in
You can put a javascript (client-side) function on the asp page
which informs the user the dtdbase has been updated.

On my page1.asp, you can, or you could make page1.asp and page2.asp
nearly the same, but for the database result message.

But that has nothing to do with ASP, so the term "asp-page" is
misleading, as it could also be page1.html and page2.html

In fact "page" is a clientside rendering, so an "asp page" is a
contradiction. It is a "file"(!) with an .asp exension and asp-code
content rendering a "html page"(!) on the client.
[Asp files can also render jpg, gif, video, xml, txt, etc] SOOOO

What you're saying is that (semantics aside) that my suggestion is a
good one.

Semantics = facts of cyberlife or common decency ?

No, because you fail netiquette by repeated topposting.

No, because you fail netiquette by not heeding the fact that you are
asking for a clientside solution in a serverside code toppiced NG.

No, because "asp-pages" in that sense do not exist.

Yes, semanics and netiquete aside, you could do it that way.
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You seem to fail to understand that this is usenet:
Virusses in a non binary NG are nearly impossible.
So don't show this crap.

Jim in Arizona

Do you think it could be done by a combination of ASP pages using the
Server.Execute or Server.Transfer methods along with the 'Please Wait'
technique listed on aspfaq: ?
Perhaps, in the asp page, have a server.execute where it shows a message
that the record(s) have been updated, then use the counter from the aspfaq
above, then when it goes back to the original page, it could then continue
with the rest of the code on that page?

I'm still new at this stuff but that was the only idea I could think of.


Ray Costanzo [MVP]

Man, Evertjan., you've been crabby lately. I thought you'd be cheerier
after the being overcome by yule-tide spirit. :] Everything OK? If you
want to talk, just give me a call. I'm here for you man.

Ray at work

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