You're getting closer. It's correct that #to_a does not transform the
range into an array. In Ruby, methods that change the object they're
called on are usually marked with a !, like #sort! on Array (sorts the
array in place) or #capitalize! on String (uppercases the first letter
in place). Otherwise you can usually expect to get a new object back.
Here's a snippet that uses () to build the array but still doesn't
array = (1..8) # Create a Range object, give it the name "array"
array.to_a # Call the method "to_a" on the Range, get back an
Array, but
# don't put it anywhere
puts array[1] # Message not understood, because "array" is the
original Range.
It just occurred to me that you might also be confused about what's
happening in the
first line of your working example.
array = (1..8).to_a
The assignment to "array" is done _last_. So this reads as "Create a
new Range from 1 to 8, send it the message 'to_a', then store the
result of all of that in 'array'", not "Create a new Range from 1 to
8, store that in 'array', then send it the message 'to_a'".
Just out of curiosity, is this your first programming language, or if
not what is your background? The issues you're encountering are
things that you'll run into in many languages, Ruby just isn't quite
as verbose in having them