patrick j
I'm going to be creating a web-site for a friend who has an unusual
name but is very well known in her particular field.
Because her name is unusual I thought it was quite likely that a domain
with her name would be available but I've discovered that it is not for
the .com extension.
I have tried the URL in a browser and there is currently no site for
that URL but clearly someone owns it.
Is there any way by which I could find out who owns this domain name?
Fortunately it is available with .co.uk and .org extensions but it
would be nice to have .com.
Thank you.
I'm going to be creating a web-site for a friend who has an unusual
name but is very well known in her particular field.
Because her name is unusual I thought it was quite likely that a domain
with her name would be available but I've discovered that it is not for
the .com extension.
I have tried the URL in a browser and there is currently no site for
that URL but clearly someone owns it.
Is there any way by which I could find out who owns this domain name?
Fortunately it is available with .co.uk and .org extensions but it
would be nice to have .com.
Thank you.