Burton Figg
I have set up a very simple site tracker.
Each page runs the following code, to insert basic details into a MySQL
ref = request.servervariables("HTTP_REFERER")
str = request.servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & "?" &
ip = request.servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
agt = request.servervariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
sql = "INSERT INTO _tracker (fldurl, fldref, fldip, fldagent, flddate)
VALUES ('"&str&"','"&ref&"','"&ip&"','"&agt&"',now())"
set iRS = oConn.Execute(sql)
set iRS = nothing
I was using the IP address as the unique field here, so that I could run off
a list of pages each person visits.
However the problem is that I can look at any number of IP addresses and see
that they visited the site at say, 11am, 3pm and 7pm.
It could be the case that the same person is coming back 3 times, but also
it is likely that with ISPs having a pool of IP addresses, that the IP
address I am looking at has been used by 3 people.
Do people know if there is another piece of info I could use to separate out
the 3 IP addresses, in order to differentiate them? I'm also adding in to
the databse the HTTP_USER_AGENT but this won't be foolproof as a way to
split the same IP address up into possibly 3 different users as a lot of
people have the same browsers / OS.
Some site trackers are able to list the domain a person is visiting from -
am I able to get this information using ASP?
I have had a good trawl through the standard server variables list - where
you loop through to see all the variables using 'for each sv in
request.servervariables' but have not found anything of much use other than
those I listed above.
Each page runs the following code, to insert basic details into a MySQL
ref = request.servervariables("HTTP_REFERER")
str = request.servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & "?" &
ip = request.servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
agt = request.servervariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
sql = "INSERT INTO _tracker (fldurl, fldref, fldip, fldagent, flddate)
VALUES ('"&str&"','"&ref&"','"&ip&"','"&agt&"',now())"
set iRS = oConn.Execute(sql)
set iRS = nothing
I was using the IP address as the unique field here, so that I could run off
a list of pages each person visits.
However the problem is that I can look at any number of IP addresses and see
that they visited the site at say, 11am, 3pm and 7pm.
It could be the case that the same person is coming back 3 times, but also
it is likely that with ISPs having a pool of IP addresses, that the IP
address I am looking at has been used by 3 people.
Do people know if there is another piece of info I could use to separate out
the 3 IP addresses, in order to differentiate them? I'm also adding in to
the databse the HTTP_USER_AGENT but this won't be foolproof as a way to
split the same IP address up into possibly 3 different users as a lot of
people have the same browsers / OS.
Some site trackers are able to list the domain a person is visiting from -
am I able to get this information using ASP?
I have had a good trawl through the standard server variables list - where
you loop through to see all the variables using 'for each sv in
request.servervariables' but have not found anything of much use other than
those I listed above.