Dean Holdren
I'm using the Daemon gem, and I'd like to trap the TERM signal so that
I can have graceful termination of my main execution loop:
$running = true;
Signal.trap("TERM") do
$running = false
while($running) do
#some operations that could take a few seconds
However, I get some memory errors when I stop the process, and I can
sometimes get an extra process after a 'restart' is issued, that I
can't kill with a 'stop'
I looked at the source to the Daemon gem, and it warns not to trap the
TERM signal in your script. So how can I gracefully end my loop if I
don't trap TERM?
I can have graceful termination of my main execution loop:
$running = true;
Signal.trap("TERM") do
$running = false
while($running) do
#some operations that could take a few seconds
However, I get some memory errors when I stop the process, and I can
sometimes get an extra process after a 'restart' is issued, that I
can't kill with a 'stop'
I looked at the source to the Daemon gem, and it warns not to trap the
TERM signal in your script. So how can I gracefully end my loop if I
don't trap TERM?