Tom Hester
I am attempting to create a style sheet for an XMI export created by
MagicDraw to produce an XML input file for a repository. Everything works
fine until I need to follow one of XMI's many idref/id links. I have
followed many examples from texts and the web but I cannot seem to correctly
follow the links. I either get no output or I get a blank.
An example of one such link is to output the data type for an attribute.
The path expression for the data type as a descendant of the attribute is:
/Foundation.Core.Attribute /Foundation.Core.StructuralFeature.type
with 'xmi.idref' equal to the id of the data type. The idref points to:
Foundation.Core.Namespace.ownedElement/Foundation.Core.DataType" where
xmi.id contains the ref. I need to output the text value of a descendant of
"Foundation.Core.DataType" called "Foundation.Core.ModelElement.name".
MagicDraw to produce an XML input file for a repository. Everything works
fine until I need to follow one of XMI's many idref/id links. I have
followed many examples from texts and the web but I cannot seem to correctly
follow the links. I either get no output or I get a blank.
An example of one such link is to output the data type for an attribute.
The path expression for the data type as a descendant of the attribute is:
/Foundation.Core.Attribute /Foundation.Core.StructuralFeature.type
with 'xmi.idref' equal to the id of the data type. The idref points to:
Foundation.Core.Namespace.ownedElement/Foundation.Core.DataType" where
xmi.id contains the ref. I need to output the text value of a descendant of
"Foundation.Core.DataType" called "Foundation.Core.ModelElement.name".