I tested your suggestion with some java code and it works nicely
comp.unix.shell: trying to redirect both std out and err to a file together
and still err to a separate file
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Date;
import java.text.DateFormat;
// __
public class Test{
public static void main(String[] args){
DateFormat DF = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, Locale.FRANCE);
// __ std out
System.out.println("// __ out.println: |" + DF.format(new Date()) + "|");
DF = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, Locale.CHINESE);
// __ std err
System.err.println("// __ err.println: |" + DF.format(new Date()) + "|");
// __ Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
DF = null;
DF.format(new Date());
rm -f *.log
export _DT=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S_%s`
echo ${_DT}
(javac Test.java 2>&1 >&3 | tee ${_DT}"_errc.log" >&3) 3> ${_DT}"_errc.log"
(java Test 2>&1 >&3 | tee ${_DT}"_err.log" >&3) 3> ${_DT}"_err_out.log"
ls -l *.log
cat *_err.log
cat *_err_out.log
comp.unix.shell: trying to redirect both std out and err to a file together
and still err to a separate file
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Date;
import java.text.DateFormat;
// __
public class Test{
public static void main(String[] args){
DateFormat DF = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, Locale.FRANCE);
// __ std out
System.out.println("// __ out.println: |" + DF.format(new Date()) + "|");
DF = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, Locale.CHINESE);
// __ std err
System.err.println("// __ err.println: |" + DF.format(new Date()) + "|");
// __ Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
DF = null;
DF.format(new Date());
rm -f *.log
export _DT=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S_%s`
echo ${_DT}
(javac Test.java 2>&1 >&3 | tee ${_DT}"_errc.log" >&3) 3> ${_DT}"_errc.log"
(java Test 2>&1 >&3 | tee ${_DT}"_err.log" >&3) 3> ${_DT}"_err_out.log"
ls -l *.log
cat *_err.log
cat *_err_out.log