Tim Morgan
We're looking for Tulsa Rubyists to create a Tulsa Ruby Brigade. This
is a call to anyone in or around Tulsa, Oklahoma: if you're interested,
send me an email ([my first name]@timmorgan.org). We don't yet have a
real website, but we're half-way organizing by means of 43things.com
And anyone who can give us any tips or advice, please do so. (We can
use all the help we can get.)
is a call to anyone in or around Tulsa, Oklahoma: if you're interested,
send me an email ([my first name]@timmorgan.org). We don't yet have a
real website, but we're half-way organizing by means of 43things.com
And anyone who can give us any tips or advice, please do so. (We can
use all the help we can get.)