Two mini-golfish problems


J Krugman

OK, here's a little problem that I'd like to propose in the Perl
golf (mini-golf?) vein.

Given a string $x that we may assume contains no newline characters,
split it into chunks of $n characters long separated my newlines.
E.g. if $n == 2,

'fubar' ---> 'ba'

What's the most succinct Perl to achive this end-result?



Uri Guttman

JK> OK, here's a little problem that I'd like to propose in the Perl
JK> golf (mini-golf?) vein.

JK> Given a string $x that we may assume contains no newline characters,
JK> split it into chunks of $n characters long separated my newlines.
JK> E.g. if $n == 2,

<untested> and prolly long but at least it is clear

my @lines = map "$_\n", $x =~ /(.{1,2})/g ;

or use s/// if you don't mind destroying $x

$x =~ s/(.{1,2})/$1\n/g ;
$x =~ s/(.{1,$n})/$1\n/g ;

that uses greediness to handle any remainder chunk



J said:
OK, here's a little problem that I'd like to propose in the Perl
golf (mini-golf?) vein.
Given a string $x that we may assume contains no newline characters,
split it into chunks of $n characters long separated my newlines.
E.g. if $n == 2,

'fubar' ---> 'ba'

What's the most succinct Perl to achive this end-result?

Remember: succint, maintainable, fast. Choose 2 of 3 :)


$x = 'fubar';
$x=~s/(..)/$1\n/g;print $x;

Uri Guttman

B> Remember: succint, maintainable, fast. Choose 2 of 3 :)

how about correct?

B> $x = 'fubar';
B> $x=~s/(..)/$1\n/g;print $x;

what happens to the 'r'?


Tassilo v. Parseval

Also sprach Bill:
Remember: succint, maintainable, fast. Choose 2 of 3 :)


$x = 'fubar';
$x=~s/(..)/$1\n/g;print $x;

That should be:


Otherwise it omits the last newline for words of uneven length.


Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

Also sprach Bill:

That should be:


Otherwise it omits the last newline for words of uneven length.

So? Krugman said "separated". She didn't say that each chunk has a
newline, just that they're separated.

Tassilo v. Parseval

Also sprach Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan:
So? Krugman said "separated". She didn't say that each chunk has a
newline, just that they're separated.

Well, what is a chunk separated by a newline anyway? Did she mean:


or did she mean


or rather


Note that there are no newlines in the last alternative, but she
explicitely mentions them.

Apparently you know what she meant. Care to enlighten me? :)


Anno Siegel

Uri Guttman said:
JK> OK, here's a little problem that I'd like to propose in the Perl
JK> golf (mini-golf?) vein.

JK> Given a string $x that we may assume contains no newline characters,
JK> split it into chunks of $n characters long separated my newlines.
JK> E.g. if $n == 2,

<untested> and prolly long but at least it is clear

my @lines = map "$_\n", $x =~ /(.{1,2})/g ;

Same length, no regex:

my @lines = map "$_\n", unpack '(A2)*', $x;

If it's less clear, then only because nobody knows the pack formats
by heart :)


J Krugman

I am sorry about the confusing statement. I meant "fu\nba\nr".

I originally tried s/(?<=[^\n]{2})/\n/g, but this failed miserably;
my mistake was to conclude from this that regexps were not the way
to go. I'm still amazed that the regexp above gives different
results from s/(.{2})/$1\n/g. I often use zero-width look-ahead
and look-behinds to avoid carrying $1's over to the second slot of
a s/// expression. It's perverse, I know, but until this case I
always got the desired results, but I guess I'd never tried this
trick with a s///g substitution.



Anno Siegel

Anno Siegel said:
Same length, no regex:

my @lines = map "$_\n", unpack '(A2)*', $x;

If it's less clear, then only because nobody knows the pack formats
by heart :)

Let me retract that, it's cheating. The last chunk is filled with
invisible null bytes. That bites.



Uri said:
B> Remember: succint, maintainable, fast. Choose 2 of 3 :)

how about correct?

B> $x = 'fubar';
B> $x=~s/(..)/$1\n/g;print $x;

what happens to the 'r'?


On my system, the OS inserts a \n at script exit, so that one does not
need to be added by perl in the print. Yes, I know it's not perfect
otherwise :).

Uri Guttman

J'P> So? Krugman said "separated". She didn't say that each chunk has a
J'P> newline, just that they're separated.

and she drew this little picture which of course looks like the last
part has a newline. poor specs are too blame and she has copped to that
in another post.

'fubar' ---> 'ba'


Brad Baxter

Remember: succint, maintainable, fast. Choose 2 of 3 :)


$x = 'fubar';
$x=~s/(..)/$1\n/g;print $x;

But OP did mention $n ...

sub _ {(my$x=$_[0])=~s/(.{$_[1]})/$1\n/g;$x}
print _ fubar=>2


Ala Qumsieh

J Krugman said:
OK, here's a little problem that I'd like to propose in the Perl
golf (mini-golf?) vein.

Btw, your title says "Two" problems .. what is the second one?


Xavier Noria

Ala Qumsieh said:


Heh, but $n seems to be a parameter. If it was what about


What does the spec say about the empty string? :)

-- fxn

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