Two operations with one last if?


Brian McCauley

sam said:
Is the following "legal" and "sensible?"
while(<LOGFILE>) {
@record = split;
$archivesection = $record[6];
($interestingpart, $junk) = split(/\?/,$archivesection,2);
$userid = $searchpattern{$interestingpart} && $splinter =
$_, last if(defined($searchpattern{$interestingpart}))

if (defined($splinter) &&
(&daily || &weekly || &monthly || &yearly)) {

While it is legal to fail to declare all your variables as lexically
scoped in the smallest applicable scope it is cetainly not sensible to
do so without a positive reason.

While it is legal to use the Perl4 subroutine calling convention is not
sensible to do so without a positive reason.

While it is legal to use shared variables to pass information between a
subroutine and its caller is not sensible to do so without a positive

It is legal to save the result of a short expression into a variable
whose name is longer than the expression and then only use that variable
once ($archivesection,@record). It is, of course, not sensible.

It is legal to store data you don't want into a variable you never use
again ($junk). It is, of course, not sensible. (Just don't save it).

It is legal to use && and , to combine multiple expressions into one so
that they can be goverened by a single 'if' statement qualifier. It
can sometimes even be sensible to do so where it aid readability.

It is not legal to attempt to assign to the result of an && opreator. To
get "Can't modify logical and (&&) in scalar assignment".

I shall assume '&&' should read 'and' or ','.

However once it gets above a very small number of characters it would be
more sensible just to use a proper 'if' statement.

It is legal to have a variable with a name (%searchpattern) that doesn't
contain patterns. It is not sensible.

While it is legal to put unreachable code in your programs it is rarely
sensible. I'm 98% sure that condition defined($splinter) can never be
true. If you eschewed the obfuscatation this would be more obvious.

Paul Lalli

sam said:
Is the following "legal" and "sensible?"

while(<LOGFILE>) {
@record = split;
$archivesection = $record[6];
($interestingpart, $junk) = split(/\?/,$archivesection,2);
$userid = $searchpattern{$interestingpart} && $splinter =
$_, last if

Why would you want to use such a nasty syntax?

if (defined $searchpattern{$interestingpart}){
$userid = $searchpattern{$interestingpart}
$splinter = $_;

Saving a few keystrokes (or even a few lines) is not a justifiable
reason to sacrifice the readability of your code.
if (defined($splinter) &&
(&daily || &weekly || &monthly || &yearly)) {

Why are you using all of those ampersands? Do you actually want the
sideaffects they give? If not, lose them. Read
perldoc perlsub
for more info.

Paul Lalli

Uri Guttman

BM> I shall assume '&&' should read 'and' or ','.

i now follow the rule (from peter scott) to use &&/|| in logical
expressions and and/or for logical flow control (as in open or die). it
makes more sense and it usually matches the precedence very well.

so with the multiple assignment i would agree to use and or , but a
proper if block would be clearer IMO. that statement has 3 complete
statements in it and is hard to read.



Is the following "legal" and "sensible?"

while(<LOGFILE>) {
@record = split;
$archivesection = $record[6];
($interestingpart, $junk) = split(/\?/,$archivesection,2);
$userid = $searchpattern{$interestingpart} && $splinter =
$_, last if (defined($searchpattern{$interestingpart}))

if (defined($splinter) &&
(&daily || &weekly || &monthly || &yearly)) {

I want the userid from the associative array and the record that
belongs to that userid if I find the piece I'm looking for in that
record. Or is there another/better way to do this?

Brian McCauley

Uri said:
BM> I shall assume '&&' should read 'and' or ','.

i now follow the rule (from peter scott) to use &&/|| in logical
expressions and and/or for logical flow control (as in open or die).

Me too!
so with the multiple assignment i would agree to use and or , but a
proper if block would be clearer IMO. that statement has 3 complete
statements in it and is hard to read.

Yes, I also made that point elsewhere in my response.

Steve R.

<posted & mailed>
Is the following "legal" and "sensible?"

while(<LOGFILE>) {
@record = split;
$archivesection = $record[6];
($interestingpart, $junk) =
split(/\?/,$archivesection,2); $userid =
$searchpattern{$interestingpart} && $splinter =
$_, last if

if (defined($splinter) &&
(&daily || &weekly || &monthly || &yearly)) {

I want the userid from the associative array and the record that
belongs to that userid if I find the piece I'm looking for in that
record. Or is there another/better way to do this?

It's certainly "legal". It might be a bit more readable to write

if (defined($searchpattern{$interestingpart})) {
$splinter = $_ if $userid = $searchpattern{$interestingpart};

assuming you really meant the conditional, or else just

if (defined($searchpattern{$interestingpart})) {
$userid = $searchpattern{$interestingpart};
$splinter = $_;

Steve R.

<posted & mailed>
Is the following "legal" and "sensible?"

while(<LOGFILE>) {
@record = split;
$archivesection = $record[6];
($interestingpart, $junk) =
split(/\?/,$archivesection,2); $userid =
$searchpattern{$interestingpart} && $splinter =
$_, last if

if (defined($splinter) &&
(&daily || &weekly || &monthly || &yearly)) {

I want the userid from the associative array and the record that
belongs to that userid if I find the piece I'm looking for in that
record. Or is there another/better way to do this?

It's certainly "legal".  It might be a bit more readable to write

    if (defined($searchpattern{$interestingpart})) {
 $splinter = $_ if $userid = $searchpattern{$interestingpart};

assuming you really meant the conditional, or else just

    if (defined($searchpattern{$interestingpart})) {
 $userid = $searchpattern{$interestingpart};
 $splinter = $_;

Steve R.

<posted & mailed>
<posted & mailed>
Is the following "legal" and "sensible?"

while(<LOGFILE>) {
@record = split;
$archivesection = $record[6];
($interestingpart, $junk) =
split(/\?/,$archivesection,2); $userid =
$searchpattern{$interestingpart} && $splinter =
$_, last if

if (defined($splinter) &&
(&daily || &weekly || &monthly || &yearly)) {

I want the userid from the associative array and the record that
belongs to that userid if I find the piece I'm looking for in that
record. Or is there another/better way to do this?

It's certainly "legal". It might be a bit more readable to write

if (defined($searchpattern{$interestingpart})) {
$splinter = $_ if $userid = $searchpattern{$interestingpart};

assuming you really meant the conditional, or else just

if (defined($searchpattern{$interestingpart})) {
$userid = $searchpattern{$interestingpart};
$splinter = $_;

Steve R.

sorry, my newsreader messed up

David K. Wall

Uri Guttman said:
i now follow the rule (from peter scott) to use &&/|| in logical
expressions and and/or for logical flow control (as in open or
die). it makes more sense and it usually matches the precedence
very well.

Do you have a reference for that? I generally use 'and' and 'or' and
enforce my desired precedence with parens, but I'm willing to be
persuaded otherwise.

Uri Guttman

DKW> Do you have a reference for that? I generally use 'and' and 'or' and
DKW> enforce my desired precedence with parens, but I'm willing to be
DKW> persuaded otherwise.

you do know that &&/|| are the exact same operations as and/or but with
tighter binding? all of them short circuit too.

using parens to control is just added noise IMO. but that depends on the
location of the parens too.

i still tend to use parens with open:

open( BLAH ... ) || die 'slowly' ;

the () are needed there. that could also be written (horribly) as:

( open BLAH ... ) || die 'slowly' ;

most perl hackers seem to be dropping the () and using or. this fits the
rule as this is flow control.

open BLAH ... or die 'faster' ;

but when you get into expressions, you usually want the tighter
binding. this works as expected:

my $foo = $bar || $default ;

but this doesn't:

my $foo = $bar or $default ;

adding parens fixes it but at a cost of noise:

my $foo = ( $bar or $default ) ;

&&/|| work well in expressions since their binding is higher than
assignment. and/or work well in flow control since their binding is
lower than assignment

$foo = $bar or print "[$bar] isn't true\n" ;

that does what you think it would do. this doesn't:

$foo = $bar || print "[$bar] isn't true\n" ;

that will print but also assign 1 (the return value of print) to $foo
when $bar is false .

so choose your boolean ops wisely. you may save someone's life! :)


David K. Wall

Uri said:
DKW> Do you have a reference for that? I generally use 'and' and
DKW> 'or' and enforce my desired precedence with parens, but I'm
DKW> willing to be persuaded otherwise.

you do know that &&/|| are the exact same operations as and/or
but with tighter binding? all of them short circuit too.

Yes, I knew that.

but when you get into expressions, you usually want the tighter
binding. this works as expected:

my $foo = $bar || $default ;

And is what I would normally write....

but this doesn't:

my $foo = $bar or $default ;

adding parens fixes it but at a cost of noise:

my $foo = ( $bar or $default ) ;

I'm not sure I'd even thought of writing something like this. :)

&&/|| work well in expressions since their binding is higher than
assignment. and/or work well in flow control since their binding
is lower than assignment

Ok, I see what you mean now. I was thinking along the lines of

if ($foo eq 'bar' or $foo eq 'baz') {
# do something

In this simple case I see little reason to prefer || to or, although
I'm sure you could come up with an example where || is the better

$foo = $bar or print "[$bar] isn't true\n" ;

that does what you think it would do. this doesn't:

$foo = $bar || print "[$bar] isn't true\n" ;

that will print but also assign 1 (the return value of print) to
$foo when $bar is false .

Heh. I would look at that code and decide that I was trying to be too
clever, and rewrite it. I don't spend all day every day writing Perl
code, so what code I do write I try to make easy for me to read
months or years later when I need to update something.
so choose your boolean ops wisely. you may save someone's life!

Or some monkey's life. :)

Uri Guttman

DKW> Yes, I knew that.

some of that was meant for the whole thread, not just you.

DKW> I'm not sure I'd even thought of writing something like this. :)

but you said before:

DKW> Do you have a reference for that? I generally use 'and' and
DKW> 'or' and enforce my desired precedence with parens, but I'm
DKW> willing to be persuaded otherwise.

so that example was doing what you said :)

DKW> Ok, I see what you mean now. I was thinking along the lines of

DKW> if ($foo eq 'bar' or $foo eq 'baz') {
DKW> # do something
DKW> }

that is still an expression. ||/&& has always bound tighter than the
comparision ops since they are meant to join those into larger boolean
expressions. this is classic precedence stuff in many languages.

DKW> In this simple case I see little reason to prefer || to or, although
DKW> I'm sure you could come up with an example where || is the better
DKW> choice.

i think you meant 'or' instead of the last '||'.

but here is a possible example. i like to assign stuff from a hash to a
scalar and test it at the same time. something like this:

if ( my $foo = $href->{foo} and my $bar = $href->{bar} ) {

# use $foo and $bar

&& will fail miserably there and the extra parens needed will be noisy.

note that $foo and $bar are scoped to the block. i do that so i can use
the data inside the block and not have to do a hash access each time. i
don't recall doing 2 of them like that but i do the single assign/test
often. many times the value is another hash ref and it is used multiple
times so saving the higher level deref is faster and cleaner as well.

if ( my $foo_ref = $href->{foo} ) {

do stuff with $foo_ref


David K. Wall

Uri Guttman said:
DKW> if ($foo eq 'bar' or $foo eq 'baz') {
DKW> # do something
DKW> }

that is still an expression. ||/&& has always bound tighter than
the comparision ops since they are meant to join those into
larger boolean expressions. this is classic precedence stuff in
many languages.

I think I'll quit while I'm behind. I understand what you mean, but
my brain keeps insisting on the wrong interpretation. :)

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