Ronny Mandal said:
Consider these two:
Typedef struct { int foo, bar } FooBar;
struct FooBar { int foo, bar };
It's important to post *correct* code. Both of the lines above have
syntax errors. It's "typedef", not "Typedef", and you need a semicolon
after the member declaration:
typedef struct { int foo, bar; } FooBar;
struct FooBar { int foo, bar; };
The meaning happened to be clear enough in this case, but errors like
this can often make it difficult or impossible to guess what you
really mean. If you're going to post code here, even a one-liner,
it's a good idea to run it through a compiler first, then
cut-and-paste it into your newsreader.
What woul be the only difference here; just that I can create new
instances by 'Foobar fb, *pfb', and the second demands that I prefix
with struct? struct FooBar fb, *pfb?
For the cases shown, yes, the only real difference is that with the
typedef you refer to the type as "FooBar", and without the typedef you
refer to the type as "struct FooBar". The first line:
typedef struct { int foo, bar; } FooBar;
declares an *anonymous* structure type, then creates an alias "FooBar"
for that type. The second line:
struct FooBar { int foo, bar; };
declares a structure type called "struct FooBar".
If you want the structure to contain a pointer to itself (say, for a
linked list or binary tree), you need to have a name for the type
within the type declaration itself. The typedef doesn't give you
this; the alias doesn't exist until after the end of the struct
declaration. With a struct tag, it's easy:
struct FooBar {
int foo;
int bar;
struct FooBar *next;
One common approach to this is to use a struct tag *and* a typedef:
typedef struct FooBar {
int foo;
int bar;
struct FooBar *next;
} FooBar;
You now have to names for the same type, "struct FooBar" (which can be
used inside the struct declaration) and "FooBar" which can be used
only after the end of the declaration). You can use the same
identifier for both, or you can really confuse things by using two
different identifiers.
If you're creating an abstract type (i.e., if code that uses the type
shouldn't even know that it's a structure), it makes sense to use a
typedef. Otherwise, IMHO, it's much simpler just to use the struct
tag. It requires a few extra keystrokes, but the Great Keystroke
Shortage was resolved years ago.