I've been having a problem debugging an ASP.NET 1.1 application on an
existing Windows XP/Visual Studio 2003 workstation that I've inherited
from somebody else. The application builds fine, but when I try to
debug, it gives me the message: Error When Trying to Run Project:
Unable to Start Debugging on the Web Server. Debugging failed because
integrated Windows authentication is not enabled.
Now, the obvious solution for this of course is to check the "Enable
Integrated Windows Authentication" box in IIS under Anonymous Access
and Authentication Control in the Directory Security Tab. The option
is checked, yet the error message is still appearing. I've checked it
for both the website itself and the virtual directory.
I think this may be project-related, it is an MCMS application, and
when I try to debug small test applications, they debug just fine,
only this particular large project gives me the debugging error. Any
ideas of what can cause this error, besides that checkbox being left
existing Windows XP/Visual Studio 2003 workstation that I've inherited
from somebody else. The application builds fine, but when I try to
debug, it gives me the message: Error When Trying to Run Project:
Unable to Start Debugging on the Web Server. Debugging failed because
integrated Windows authentication is not enabled.
Now, the obvious solution for this of course is to check the "Enable
Integrated Windows Authentication" box in IIS under Anonymous Access
and Authentication Control in the Directory Security Tab. The option
is checked, yet the error message is still appearing. I've checked it
for both the website itself and the virtual directory.
I think this may be project-related, it is an MCMS application, and
when I try to debug small test applications, they debug just fine,
only this particular large project gives me the debugging error. Any
ideas of what can cause this error, besides that checkbox being left