Unbinding multiple variables


Johnny Lin


Is there a way to automate the unbinding of multiple variables? Say I
have a list of the names of all variables in the current scope via
dir(). Is there a command using del or something like that that will
iterate the list and unbind each of the variables?

Thanks much! (If anyone posts an answer, if you could also cc your
reply to my email (e-mail address removed), would be much obliged. Thanks


John Hunter

Johnny> Hi! Is there a way to automate the unbinding of multiple
Johnny> variables? Say I have a list of the names of all
Johnny> variables in the current scope via dir(). Is there a
Johnny> command using del or something like that that will iterate
Johnny> the list and unbind each of the variables?

Hi Johnny

I assume you are the one and only Johnny Lin at the U of C, no?

John-Hunters-Computer:~> python
Python 2.3 (#1, Sep 13 2003, 00:49:11)
[GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1495)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
x = 1
y = 2
'__name__': said:
print x,y 1 2
del locals()['x']
print x,y
Traceback (most recent call last):

Stephen Thorne


Is there a way to automate the unbinding of multiple variables? Say I
have a list of the names of all variables in the current scope via
dir(). Is there a command using del or something like that that will
iterate the list and unbind each of the variables?

Thanks much! (If anyone posts an answer, if you could also cc your
reply to my email (e-mail address removed), would be much obliged. Thanks

My immediate reaction is "You never want to do that"

If you're doing something along these lines:

#some code
#create lots of variables
#do stuff with those variables
# <want to delete variables here
#more code

Try converting it to this idiom:

def someFunction(someinput)
#create lots of variables
#do stuff with those variables
return output

#some code
output = someFunction(input)
#more code

Stephen Thorne.

John Machin

Johnny said:

Is there a way to automate the unbinding of multiple variables? Say I
have a list of the names of all variables in the current scope via
dir(). Is there a command using del or something like that that will
iterate the list and unbind each of the variables?
Yes. It's called "return".

Johnny Lin

thanks everyone for the replies!

John Hunter, yep, this is Johnny Lin in geosci :).

re using return: the problem i have is somewhere in my code there's a
memory leak. i realize return is supposed to unbind all the local
variables, but since the memory leak is happening despite return, i
thought it might help me track down the leak if i unbound everything
explicitly that i had defined in local scope before i returned. or if
anyone has recomm. on plugging leaks, would be thankful for any
pointers there too.

my understanding about locals() from the nutshell book was that i
should treat that dictionary as read-only. is it safe to use it to
delete entries?

thanks again!

Steven Bethard

Johnny said:
my understanding about locals() from the nutshell book was that i
should treat that dictionary as read-only. is it safe to use it to
delete entries?

No it's not:

py> def f():
.... x = 1
.... del locals()['x']
.... print x
py> f()
py> def f():
.... x = 1
.... del x
.... print x
py> f()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
File "<interactive input>", line 4, in f
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment


Alex Martelli

Johnny Lin said:
my understanding about locals() from the nutshell book was that i
should treat that dictionary as read-only. is it safe to use it to
delete entries?

Speaking as the Nutshell author: it's "safe", it just doesn't DO
anything. I _hoped_ locals() would become a dictionary-proxy giving at
least some *warning* about futile attempts to modify things through it,
on the basis of "errors shouldn't pass silently", but it just didn't
happen (yet). Nevertheless, any modifications to locals() are utterly
futile (within a function).

Unfortunately, I believe the only way to "delete locals" automatically
as you desire is through exec statements (which will inevitably turn off
the normal optimizations and make the whole function unbearably slow).
I also suspect this won't help you one bit in tracking down your leaks.
I would rather suggest you look into module gc...


Steven Bethard

Alex said:
Nevertheless, any modifications to locals() are utterly
futile (within a function).

Evil hack that makes modifications to locals() not quite as futile:

py> import sys
py> import ctypes
py> def f():
.... x = 1
.... locals()['x'] = 2
.... ctypes.pythonapi.PyFrame_LocalsToFast(
.... ctypes.py_object(sys._getframe()), 0)
.... return x
py> f()

Warning! NEVER do this! ;)

(Also note that you can't del or add variables in this manner -- only
modify them.)


Bengt Richter

thanks everyone for the replies!

John Hunter, yep, this is Johnny Lin in geosci :).

re using return: the problem i have is somewhere in my code there's a
memory leak. i realize return is supposed to unbind all the local
variables, but since the memory leak is happening despite return, i
thought it might help me track down the leak if i unbound everything
explicitly that i had defined in local scope before i returned. or if
anyone has recomm. on plugging leaks, would be thankful for any
pointers there too.

It helps to clue people into what your real goal is ;-) (Your initial post
said nothing about memory leaks).

Step 1: How do you know you have a memory leak? Python retains some memory
in internal free pools rather than returning it to the OS, so you might not
have a memory leak at all, in the true sense.

If you are having a real memory leak, look first at any C extensions you've
written yourself, then at other's alpha/beta stuff you may be using. Core CPython
is probably the last place to look ;-)

If you are creating reference loops, I think some may be uncollectable.

I'm not sure how you are detecting "memory leaks," but whatever the method,
if you can write a test harness that will create a zillion of each suspect
thing and delete them in turn, and print out your detection data -- even if
you have to run separate processes to do it, that might narrow down your search.
E.g., if you write a little test.py that takes a command line argument to choose
which object to create zillions of, and print out leak evidence, then you could
run that systematically via popen etc. Or just run test.py by hand if you don't
have that many suspects (hopefully the case ;-)
my understanding about locals() from the nutshell book was that i
should treat that dictionary as read-only. is it safe to use it to
delete entries?
Well, it's not read-only, but it doesn't write through to the actual locals.
Think of it as a temp dict object with copies of the local name:value bindings,
but changing anything in it only changes the temp dict object in the usual way. UIAM ;-)

(OTOH, deletions of actual local bindings do seem to propagate back into a previously
bound value of locals on exit, and a new call to locals() seems to return the same identical
object as before, so I'm not sure I believe the <type 'dict'>, unless it has a special slot
and it is automatically updated at exit. But a local bare name assignment or deletion doesn't
... d = locals()
... print '1:',id(d), type(d), d
... del x
... print '2:',id(d), type(d), d
... del d['x']
... print '3:',id(d), type(d), d
... y = 123
... print '4:',id(d), type(d), d
... d['z'] = 'zee'
... print '5:',id(d), type(d), d
... return d, locals()
... 1: 49234780 <type 'dict'> {'x': 'arg passed to foo'}
2: 49234780 <type 'dict'> {'x': 'arg passed to foo'}
3: 49234780 <type 'dict'> {}
4: 49234780 said:
>>> dret {'y': 123, 'z': 'zee', 'd': {...}}
>>> endinglocals {'y': 123, 'z': 'zee', 'd': {...}}
>>> dret is endinglocals True
>>> dret['d'] is dret
(the {...} is an indication of the recursive reference)

Note that at 2: the del x was not reflected, nor did the y = 123 show at 4:
But the d['z'] showed up immediately, as you might expect ... but d['z'] also
in that last returned locals(), which you might not expect, since there was
no assignment to bare z. But they are apparently the same dict object, so you
would expect it. So maybe there is some kind of finalization at exit like closure
building. Anyway, d = dict(locals()) would probably behave differently, but I'm
going to leave to someone else ;-)

Bengt Richter

Nick Coghlan

Bengt said:
(OTOH, deletions of actual local bindings do seem to propagate back into a previously
bound value of locals on exit, and a new call to locals() seems to return the same identical
object as before, so I'm not sure I believe the <type 'dict'>, unless it has a special slot
and it is automatically updated at exit. But a local bare name assignment or deletion doesn't
immediately propagate. But it does on exit. So the <type 'dict'> returned by locals() has
a special relationship to the function it reflects, if it is otherwise a normal dict:

CPython frames keep two copies of their locals around - the "fast" locals, which
are actually used by the code (and stored in an array for fast access, hence the
name), and a Python-readable copy in a dictionary (this is the dictionary
returned by locals()).

Various things trigger updates from the fast locals to the locals dictionary.
Updates in the other direction are far less common (exec without an 'in' clause,
star imports, and monkeying with the frame via the C API are the only cases I am
aware of).


Johnny Lin

thanks again for all the help! especially the advice on ideas of
tracking down the memory leak :). (sorry for not mentioning it
earlier...i had thought deleting everything might be a quick and dirty
way short-term fix. :p)


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