John J
Thankyou to those people in this newsgroup that have answered my questions
and helped me to learn whilst developing my yacht race classes.
I have now completed the three classes (Yacht, Race and Entry) and created
..cpp to test the classes. Everything compiles without fault; however, when I
run the program the first part of the expected output is not displayed. I
thought there may have been a buffer setting in my compiler so I tried
compiling and directing the output into another file, then when I viewed the
output file the results were the same. As I remove calls to functions from
my test .cpp more information is displayed. It seems to behaving exactly
like a buffer that flushes the initial input upon saturation.
All the code is below. Can I please ask someone to have a look at it and
advise where I'm going wrong (if I'm going wrong). If it is a buffer issue
does anyone no of a workaround? my compiler is vc++.
Thanks for any help
#ifndef RACE_H
#define RACE_H
#include <iostream> // for standard i/o
#include <string> // for string manipulation
using std:stream;
using std::cout;
#include "Entry.h"
#include "Yacht.h"
const int MAX_ENTRIES = 50;
//Details of races
class Race
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Race&);
Race ( int n=0, string d="");
void enter_race (Yacht*,int, string);
void Show (ostream& out=cout) const;
void display_entries (ostream& out=cout) const;
void winner (ostream& out=cout) const;
//member function prototypes
int getNumber() const;
string getDate() const;
//Attributes of races
int number;
string date;
//Attributes for association
Entry* entries[MAX_ENTRIES];
int nEntries;
ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Race&);
#include <string>
#include "Race.h"
#include "Entry.h"
#include "Yacht.h"
using namespace std;
//Construct a race
Race::Race (int n, string d)
number = n;
date = d;
nEntries = 0;
for (int j=0; j<MAX_ENTRIES; j++)
entries[j] = NULL;
//Enter a race
void Race::enter_race (Yacht* y, int pl, string ti)
if (nEntries<MAX_ENTRIES)
Entry* e = new Entry (this,y,pl,ti);
entries[nEntries++] = e;
y->add_entry (e);
else cout << "Too many entries" << endl;
//Find an entry object(s)
void Race::display_entries (ostream& out) const
if (nEntries == 0)
out << "No entries" << endl;
cout << "Details of Yachts entered into the requested race:" <<endl <<
for (int i=0; i<nEntries; i++)
out << *(entries);
//Find the winner
void Race::winner (ostream& out) const
Entry* e = NULL;
if (nEntries == 0)
out << "No entries" << endl;
bool found_a_winner = false; // no winner found yet
for (int i=0; i<nEntries; i++)
e = entries;
if (e->getPlace() == 1)
out << "The winner is: " << endl;
out << *e;
found_a_winner = true; // a winner has been found
if (!found_a_winner) // if no winner
out << "No winner was found in this race" << endl;
//Access functions
int Race::getNumber (void) const
return number;
string Race::getDate (void) const
return date;
//Output functions
//Print Race info
void Race::Show (ostream& out) const
out << "Race Number : " << number << endl
<< "Race Date : " << date << endl;
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Race& r)
r.Show (out);
if (r.nEntries == 0)
out << "No entries" << endl;
for (int i=0; i<r.nEntries; i++)
out << *(r.entries);
return out;
#ifndef ENTRY_H
#define ENTRY_H
#include <iostream> // for standard i/o
#include <string> // for string manipulation
using std:stream;
using std::string;
class Yacht;
class Race;
//Details of race entries
class Entry
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Entry&);
Entry (Race* r=NULL, Yacht* y=NULL, int pl=0, string ti="");
//access functions
int getPlace () const; //Yacht placing
string getTime () const; //Yacht finish time
Race* getRace () const; //Related race object
Yacht* getYacht () const; //Related yacht object
//Attributes to implement the relationship
Race* which; //Which race
Yacht* what; //What yacht
//Attributes of the association
int place;
string time;
ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Entry&);
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Entry.h"
#include "Race.h"
#include "Yacht.h"
using namespace std;
//Construct an Entry
Entry::Entry (Race* r, Yacht* y, int pl, string ti)
which = r;
what = y;
place = pl;
time = ti;
//Access functions
int Entry::getPlace () const
return place;
string Entry::getTime () const
return time;
Race* Entry::getRace () const
return which;
Yacht* Entry::getYacht () const
return what;
//Overload of operator<< for output of an Entry
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Entry& e)
Yacht* y = e.what;
Race* r = e.which;
out << endl << "Yacht : " << *y << endl
<< "Race : " ; r->Show();
out << "Finish Place : " << e.place << endl
<< "Finish Time : " << e.time << endl << endl;
return out;
#ifndef YACHT_H
#define YACHT_H
#include <iostream> // for standard i/o
#include <string> // for string manipulation
using std:stream;
using std::string;
#include "Entry.h"
#include "Race.h"
const int MAX_Y_ENTRIES = 50;
//Details of yachts
class Yacht
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Yacht&);
Yacht (string n="", string c="");
void add_entry (Entry*);
void display_races (ostream& out=cout) const;
void best_result (ostream& out=cout) const;
//member function prototypes
string getName() const;
string getCaptain() const;
//Attributes of yachts
string name;
string captain;
//Attributes of association
Entry* yacht_entries[MAX_Y_ENTRIES];
int nYEntries;
ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Yacht&);
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Yacht.h"
#include "Entry.h"
#include "Race.h"
using namespace std;
//Construct a yacht
Yacht::Yacht (string n, string c)
name = n;
captain = c;
nYEntries = 0;
for (int j=0; j<MAX_Y_ENTRIES; j++)
yacht_entries[j] = NULL;
//Enter a race
void Yacht::add_entry (Entry* e)
if (nYEntries<MAX_Y_ENTRIES)
yacht_entries[nYEntries++] = e;
else cout << "Too many entries" << endl;
//Find races a Yacht entered
void Yacht::display_races (ostream& out) const
if (nYEntries == 0)
out << "No entries for this Yacht" << endl << endl;
cout << "Details of races a Yacht entered:" <<endl << endl;
for (int i=0; i<nYEntries; i++)
out << *(yacht_entries);
//Display the best result of a Yacht in all entered races
void Yacht::best_result (ostream& out) const
Entry* e =NULL;
out << "A search of races for this Yacht shows the following results: " <<
endl << endl;
if (nYEntries == 0)
out << "This Yacht has entered no races: " << endl;
Entry* best_result = yacht_entries[0];
for( int i = 1; i < nYEntries; i++ )
if (yacht_entries->getPlace() < best_result->getPlace())
best_result = yacht_entries;
cout << "Best result was " << endl << *best_result;
//Access functions
string Yacht::getName (void) const
return name;
string Yacht::getCaptain (void) const
return captain;
//Overload of operator<< for output of a yacht
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Yacht& y)
out << y.name << " (Captain: " << y.captain << ")";
return out;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Entry.h"
#include "Race.h"
#include "Yacht.h"
using namespace std;
int main ()
Race r1(1, "23/12/03");
Race r2(2, "24/12/03");
Race r3(3, "25/12/03");
Race r4(4, "26/12/03");
Race r5(5, "27/12/03");
Yacht y1("The Bounty", "William Bligh");
Yacht y2("The Hilda", "Some bloke");
Yacht y3("The Mary Celeste", "Benjamin Briggs");
Yacht y4("Speedy", "Some other bloke");
Yacht y5("Fishing Boat", "Me");
Yacht y6("No hoper", "Not me");
Yacht y7("Can't catch a fish", "Some dood");
Yacht y8("Wanta geta fish", "Andrew Maden");
Yacht y9("The endeavour", "James Cook");
Yacht y10("Cignet", "William Dampier");
Yacht y11("Nippon", "Peter Gilmour");
r1.enter_race (&y1,3, "22:30");
r1.enter_race (&y2,2, "22:00");
r1.enter_race (&y3,1, "21:00");
r1.enter_race (&y4,4, "23:00");
r1.enter_race (&y5,5, "24:00");
r1.enter_race (&y6,6, "25:00");
r2.enter_race (&y4,1, "15:00");
r2.enter_race (&y1,2, "15:30");
r3.enter_race (&y5,3, "17:00");
r3.enter_race (&y3,1, "10:00");
r3.enter_race (&y3,2, "11:00");
r3.enter_race (&y4,3, "12:00");
r4.enter_race (&y6,1, "15:00");
r4.enter_race (&y7,2, "15:30");
r4.enter_race (&y8,3, "17:00");
r5.enter_race (&y8,1, "10:00");
r5.enter_race (&y9,2, "11:00");
r5.enter_race (&y10,3, "12:00");
cout << r1 << endl;
cout << r2 << endl;
cout << r3 << endl;
cout << r4 << endl;
cout << r5 << endl;
cout << "Yacht 1 : " << endl;
cout << "Yacht 2 : " << endl;
cout << "Yacht 3 : " << endl;
cout << "Yacht 4 : " << endl;
cout << "Yacht 5 : " << endl;
cout << "Yacht 6 : " << endl;
cout << "Yacht 11 : " << endl;
return 0;
and helped me to learn whilst developing my yacht race classes.
I have now completed the three classes (Yacht, Race and Entry) and created
..cpp to test the classes. Everything compiles without fault; however, when I
run the program the first part of the expected output is not displayed. I
thought there may have been a buffer setting in my compiler so I tried
compiling and directing the output into another file, then when I viewed the
output file the results were the same. As I remove calls to functions from
my test .cpp more information is displayed. It seems to behaving exactly
like a buffer that flushes the initial input upon saturation.
All the code is below. Can I please ask someone to have a look at it and
advise where I'm going wrong (if I'm going wrong). If it is a buffer issue
does anyone no of a workaround? my compiler is vc++.
Thanks for any help
#ifndef RACE_H
#define RACE_H
#include <iostream> // for standard i/o
#include <string> // for string manipulation
using std:stream;
using std::cout;
#include "Entry.h"
#include "Yacht.h"
const int MAX_ENTRIES = 50;
//Details of races
class Race
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Race&);
Race ( int n=0, string d="");
void enter_race (Yacht*,int, string);
void Show (ostream& out=cout) const;
void display_entries (ostream& out=cout) const;
void winner (ostream& out=cout) const;
//member function prototypes
int getNumber() const;
string getDate() const;
//Attributes of races
int number;
string date;
//Attributes for association
Entry* entries[MAX_ENTRIES];
int nEntries;
ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Race&);
#include <string>
#include "Race.h"
#include "Entry.h"
#include "Yacht.h"
using namespace std;
//Construct a race
Race::Race (int n, string d)
number = n;
date = d;
nEntries = 0;
for (int j=0; j<MAX_ENTRIES; j++)
entries[j] = NULL;
//Enter a race
void Race::enter_race (Yacht* y, int pl, string ti)
if (nEntries<MAX_ENTRIES)
Entry* e = new Entry (this,y,pl,ti);
entries[nEntries++] = e;
y->add_entry (e);
else cout << "Too many entries" << endl;
//Find an entry object(s)
void Race::display_entries (ostream& out) const
if (nEntries == 0)
out << "No entries" << endl;
cout << "Details of Yachts entered into the requested race:" <<endl <<
for (int i=0; i<nEntries; i++)
out << *(entries);
//Find the winner
void Race::winner (ostream& out) const
Entry* e = NULL;
if (nEntries == 0)
out << "No entries" << endl;
bool found_a_winner = false; // no winner found yet
for (int i=0; i<nEntries; i++)
e = entries;
if (e->getPlace() == 1)
out << "The winner is: " << endl;
out << *e;
found_a_winner = true; // a winner has been found
if (!found_a_winner) // if no winner
out << "No winner was found in this race" << endl;
//Access functions
int Race::getNumber (void) const
return number;
string Race::getDate (void) const
return date;
//Output functions
//Print Race info
void Race::Show (ostream& out) const
out << "Race Number : " << number << endl
<< "Race Date : " << date << endl;
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Race& r)
r.Show (out);
if (r.nEntries == 0)
out << "No entries" << endl;
for (int i=0; i<r.nEntries; i++)
out << *(r.entries);
return out;
#ifndef ENTRY_H
#define ENTRY_H
#include <iostream> // for standard i/o
#include <string> // for string manipulation
using std:stream;
using std::string;
class Yacht;
class Race;
//Details of race entries
class Entry
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Entry&);
Entry (Race* r=NULL, Yacht* y=NULL, int pl=0, string ti="");
//access functions
int getPlace () const; //Yacht placing
string getTime () const; //Yacht finish time
Race* getRace () const; //Related race object
Yacht* getYacht () const; //Related yacht object
//Attributes to implement the relationship
Race* which; //Which race
Yacht* what; //What yacht
//Attributes of the association
int place;
string time;
ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Entry&);
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Entry.h"
#include "Race.h"
#include "Yacht.h"
using namespace std;
//Construct an Entry
Entry::Entry (Race* r, Yacht* y, int pl, string ti)
which = r;
what = y;
place = pl;
time = ti;
//Access functions
int Entry::getPlace () const
return place;
string Entry::getTime () const
return time;
Race* Entry::getRace () const
return which;
Yacht* Entry::getYacht () const
return what;
//Overload of operator<< for output of an Entry
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Entry& e)
Yacht* y = e.what;
Race* r = e.which;
out << endl << "Yacht : " << *y << endl
<< "Race : " ; r->Show();
out << "Finish Place : " << e.place << endl
<< "Finish Time : " << e.time << endl << endl;
return out;
#ifndef YACHT_H
#define YACHT_H
#include <iostream> // for standard i/o
#include <string> // for string manipulation
using std:stream;
using std::string;
#include "Entry.h"
#include "Race.h"
const int MAX_Y_ENTRIES = 50;
//Details of yachts
class Yacht
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Yacht&);
Yacht (string n="", string c="");
void add_entry (Entry*);
void display_races (ostream& out=cout) const;
void best_result (ostream& out=cout) const;
//member function prototypes
string getName() const;
string getCaptain() const;
//Attributes of yachts
string name;
string captain;
//Attributes of association
Entry* yacht_entries[MAX_Y_ENTRIES];
int nYEntries;
ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Yacht&);
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Yacht.h"
#include "Entry.h"
#include "Race.h"
using namespace std;
//Construct a yacht
Yacht::Yacht (string n, string c)
name = n;
captain = c;
nYEntries = 0;
for (int j=0; j<MAX_Y_ENTRIES; j++)
yacht_entries[j] = NULL;
//Enter a race
void Yacht::add_entry (Entry* e)
if (nYEntries<MAX_Y_ENTRIES)
yacht_entries[nYEntries++] = e;
else cout << "Too many entries" << endl;
//Find races a Yacht entered
void Yacht::display_races (ostream& out) const
if (nYEntries == 0)
out << "No entries for this Yacht" << endl << endl;
cout << "Details of races a Yacht entered:" <<endl << endl;
for (int i=0; i<nYEntries; i++)
out << *(yacht_entries);
//Display the best result of a Yacht in all entered races
void Yacht::best_result (ostream& out) const
Entry* e =NULL;
out << "A search of races for this Yacht shows the following results: " <<
endl << endl;
if (nYEntries == 0)
out << "This Yacht has entered no races: " << endl;
Entry* best_result = yacht_entries[0];
for( int i = 1; i < nYEntries; i++ )
if (yacht_entries->getPlace() < best_result->getPlace())
best_result = yacht_entries;
cout << "Best result was " << endl << *best_result;
//Access functions
string Yacht::getName (void) const
return name;
string Yacht::getCaptain (void) const
return captain;
//Overload of operator<< for output of a yacht
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Yacht& y)
out << y.name << " (Captain: " << y.captain << ")";
return out;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Entry.h"
#include "Race.h"
#include "Yacht.h"
using namespace std;
int main ()
Race r1(1, "23/12/03");
Race r2(2, "24/12/03");
Race r3(3, "25/12/03");
Race r4(4, "26/12/03");
Race r5(5, "27/12/03");
Yacht y1("The Bounty", "William Bligh");
Yacht y2("The Hilda", "Some bloke");
Yacht y3("The Mary Celeste", "Benjamin Briggs");
Yacht y4("Speedy", "Some other bloke");
Yacht y5("Fishing Boat", "Me");
Yacht y6("No hoper", "Not me");
Yacht y7("Can't catch a fish", "Some dood");
Yacht y8("Wanta geta fish", "Andrew Maden");
Yacht y9("The endeavour", "James Cook");
Yacht y10("Cignet", "William Dampier");
Yacht y11("Nippon", "Peter Gilmour");
r1.enter_race (&y1,3, "22:30");
r1.enter_race (&y2,2, "22:00");
r1.enter_race (&y3,1, "21:00");
r1.enter_race (&y4,4, "23:00");
r1.enter_race (&y5,5, "24:00");
r1.enter_race (&y6,6, "25:00");
r2.enter_race (&y4,1, "15:00");
r2.enter_race (&y1,2, "15:30");
r3.enter_race (&y5,3, "17:00");
r3.enter_race (&y3,1, "10:00");
r3.enter_race (&y3,2, "11:00");
r3.enter_race (&y4,3, "12:00");
r4.enter_race (&y6,1, "15:00");
r4.enter_race (&y7,2, "15:30");
r4.enter_race (&y8,3, "17:00");
r5.enter_race (&y8,1, "10:00");
r5.enter_race (&y9,2, "11:00");
r5.enter_race (&y10,3, "12:00");
cout << r1 << endl;
cout << r2 << endl;
cout << r3 << endl;
cout << r4 << endl;
cout << r5 << endl;
cout << "Yacht 1 : " << endl;
cout << "Yacht 2 : " << endl;
cout << "Yacht 3 : " << endl;
cout << "Yacht 4 : " << endl;
cout << "Yacht 5 : " << endl;
cout << "Yacht 6 : " << endl;
cout << "Yacht 11 : " << endl;
return 0;