uninitialized constant error... trying to create a TCPsocket in amodule


Dennis Nedry

Okay, forget about the editor thing.. (;

Trying to convert the BBS to 1.9. I've run into a weird problem with
some code I didn't write...

basically, I'm getting an error trying to create a TCPsocket..

/home/mark/qbbs2/chat/common.rb:40:in `initialize': uninitialized
constant Chat::Client::TCPsocket (NameError)

I've been looking on the web, and it looks like there have been
scoping changes, but I'm not quite sure how to fix it. Excerpts

except from irc.rb

require 'chat/common'

require 'chat/irc/command'
require 'chat/irc/event'
require 'chat/irc/message'
require 'chat/irc/numeric'
require 'chat/irc/security'

module IRC

# IRC client data
class Client < Chat::Client

def initialize(host="localhost", port=6667)
@irccmd = IRC::Command.new

exerpt from common.rb

require 'observer'

require 'socket'

module Chat

# Basic client components

class Client

# Include changed/notify_observers methods.

include Observable

def initialize(host, port)

@sock = TCPsocket.new(host, port)


Caleb Clausen

Okay, forget about the editor thing.. (;

Trying to convert the BBS to 1.9. I've run into a weird problem with
some code I didn't write...

basically, I'm getting an error trying to create a TCPsocket..

/home/mark/qbbs2/chat/common.rb:40:in `initialize': uninitialized
constant Chat::Client::TCPsocket (NameError)

I've been looking on the web, and it looks like there have been
scoping changes, but I'm not quite sure how to fix it. Excerpts
below... [snip]
def initialize(host, port)

@sock = TCPsocket.new(host, port)


Spelled wrong, I guess. The correct name is TCPSocket, not TCPsocket.

Dennis Nedry

Spelled wrong, I guess. The correct name is TCPSocket, not TCPsocket.
Thanks. I looked at that for hours and didn't notice. I take it the
rules have been more strictly enforced in 1.9 (because that's been
like that for years)? I've never really cared for capitalisation
making a difference...

Oh well, ifI was afraid of looking stupid, I'd never post...

Robert Klemme

2010/5/31 Dennis Nedry said:
Thanks. =A0I looked at that for hours and didn't notice. =A0I take it the
rules have been more strictly enforced in 1.9 (because that's been
like that for years)? =A0I've never really cared for capitalisation
making a difference...

Capitalization of identifiers *always* made a difference in Ruby!
("always" meaning "as long as I use Ruby, which is somewhere since
1.8.x" - but I doubt such a crucial feature has changed before; if at
all then I guess in one of 0.x versions.)
Oh well, ifI was afraid of looking stupid, I'd never post...




remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

Joel VanderWerf

Robert said:
Capitalization of identifiers *always* made a difference in Ruby!
("always" meaning "as long as I use Ruby, which is somewhere since
1.8.x" - but I doubt such a crucial feature has changed before; if at
all then I guess in one of 0.x versions.)

Almost always:

$ ruby -v -r socket -e 'p TCPSocket, TCPsocket'
ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [x86_64-linux]

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